Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Important Reminder: Cards charging on Jan 31st

Hi everyone,

First, in happy news, the pins and keychains are all in and with grading and inventory nearing completion, I'm starting to prepare for fulfillment. Our manufacturing partners at Dragon Woodshop are still hard at work on the pin display boards and we're expecting those in by the end of February.

Don't forget, I'll be processing credit cards on January 31st for all add-ons purchased in the pledge manager and for shipping charges!

I wasn't able to secure a fulfillment partner this time around, so I'm considering the best and most efficient options for doing this volume of fulfillment from my studio. Since the pin displays won't arrive for a few more weeks and there's currently zero space left in my little studio, I'm leaning towards doing a staggered fulfillment, starting with the orders that only contain pins, keychains, washi, and stickers ASAP in February and finishing with the larger orders when the displays arrive.

Second, a sad life update; I'm heartbroken to share that my cat River passed away last week. I'm still a little bit in shock at how sudden it all was, but I'm grateful that we were able to help her pass peacefully and that she spent her last days being spoiled with love and all of her favorite snacks and treats. I'm so thankful for the time that I had with that amazing little black cat. As my muse and inspiration, it's not an exaggeration to say she changed my life and she's the whole reason I'm writing this to you now.
I will always miss her, but it's such a gift that so many people helped me create something that will always keep her memory alive. 

Give your kitties a sweet little smooch on the forehead for me.

<3 Carrie






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