Pledge Levels
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Digital + DIY Kit
150 Backers
The Digital + DIY Kit is the download-only option. It includes print-and-play files so you can make your own cards at home, as well as card image galleries designed for virtual play.
Includes 1 item
×1DIY Kit
Pack of Cards
359 Backers
You'll get a copy of the game: one pack containing 17 cards (with rules freely available online). Shipping is extra.
Includes 2 items
×1Pack of Cards
×1DIY Kit
Shout Out!
120 Backers
Everything above, plus: you'll be thanked by name on the Going For Broke webpage and in future videos. You'll also receive the complete current catalogue of Buried Without Ceremony PDFs. Shipping is extra.
Includes 4 items
×1Pack of Cards
×1Special Thanks
×1PDF Bundle
×1DIY Kit
House Meeting
5 remaining
Everything above, plus: you'll be invited to play an episode of the game over Zoom with designer Avery Alder and four other project supporters. Huge gratitude! Shipping is extra.
Includes 5 items
×1Pack of Cards
×1Special Thanks
×1Actual Play Session
×1PDF Bundle
×1DIY Kit
New Roommate
0 remaining
Everything above, plus: Avery will interview you over email and then design a unique, exclusive roommate card based on you and your answers. I'll also list you as an Executive Producer on one of the game's episodes. Your support is legendary! Shipping is extra.
Includes 6 items
×1Pack of Cards
×1Special Thanks
×1Actual Play Session
×1Unique Personal Card
×1PDF Bundle