7 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Schedule Update & An Unboxing Video



It looks like we'll be shipping out issues to backers around the same time as we did last year, in November.

We'd worked hard to get ahead on production this time around so we could ship much earlier, however this ended up being undone by basically two things:

  • Oliver's puppy had to have unexpected major surgery, the recovery from which was incredibly draining on his entire household in terms of time & energy. Truly, Oliver did not understand the meaning of the word "exhausted" until this nine week period came about.|

    Thankfully it's all over now, and Polly the puppy is fully recovered.

  • In short, the various mundane delays caused by none of our staff doing this for a living added up. 

It's always tempting to create timelines on the basis that Nothing Will Go Wrong, and you better believe we've learned our lesson on that!

We're still glad we worked hard to get ahead, though, since that is why we're able to ship about the same time as last year, rather than much, much later.

We can report that our progress bars are a nice, hearty wall of green at this point. Just a few contracts to sign and we're done.

We've also ordered our first set of proofs from the printer, and are optimistic we can get them the final print files in time to make the revised "Some time in November" timeline.

Thank you all for your patience. When the advance copies are in we'll share some spoiler-free pics, and when the print run is on the boat heading over from Hong Kong, we'll share its progress in a series of posts on our social media accounts.


As head of NESS, our editor & publisher was able to get his hands on a few of the new pins, leading to some new photos that show off how varied they are, and a fun unboxing video you can watch here: https://youtu.be/FaguuxYC7Sc?si=pfN_fYj9PYBPgKvW

If you'd like to add one to your pledge, you can pre-order the pins here, then we'll see that and ad it to your pledge so as to save on shipping. Done that way it's only about one extra dollar shipping in total.
user avatar image for Oliver




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