3 months ago
New Edge Sword & Sorcer 2024 issues have arrived!
• The new issues have arrived at our warehouse and shipping will begin first thing Monday morning.
Due to the holiday season madness we cannot offer anything to sp...
3 months ago
Backerkit Surveys
Hello there!
As we hope to begin shipping NESS 2024 some time next week, we're putting out another reminder to those 14% of folks who have yet to fill o...
4 months ago
Revised Shipping Date
The books are on the boat from our printer in Hong Kong!
Based on the expected time of arrival provided by our printer, assuming no delays in customs ...
4 months ago
Advance copies are in hand! (PICTURES)
The printing process is complete!
The printer has FedExed us advance copies of the new issues in both soft & hardcover.
These are literally “the first books off the press." ...
6 months ago
Magazine Proofs and a New Book!
• PROOFS: We've reached an important new stage - the Ozalid proofs! After we go through these proofs on one last proofreading, we'll send our final files to our printe...
Obviously we here at New Edge Sword & Sorcery have made it clear we'd like to see a larger, wider variety of peoples and cultures represented more frequently in both stories and those who are telling them...
...but what would YOU like to see?
I, Oliver, would - beyond the inclusivity aspect - love to see more...
Draping S&S like a cloak over another genre. Robert E. Howard himself did this all the time. The God in the Bowl is an S&S locked room mystery. Beyond the Black River is an S&S frontier western tale. You get the idea…
To be clear, this is not blending genres, putting cowboys in with barbarians etc. This is using some or all of the format of another genre to tell an S&S tale, in an S&S setting, with S&S characters.
Non-monarchial secondary worlds or kingdoms. We can do anything in a secondary world, it doesn’t always have to be kings and queens.
Sword & Planet. I love this niche within a niche and fancy seeing more of it, perhaps in a New Edge vein!
Have the digital copies been sent out yet? I back a lot of things and lose track of what has been distributed easily. Especially on BackerKit which has a terrible system(none) for tracking these kinds of things.
The new issues have arrived at our warehouse and shipping will begin first thing Monday morning.
Due to the holiday season madness we cannot offer anything to specific about when issues will arrive, though we can say United States backers will be able to track their orders due to our use of Media Mail.
Due to the postal strike, we will have to wait until the strike is over to ship to Canadian backers. There will be a campaign update when this happens and Canadian orders begin going out.
Digital issues have been sent to backers. Please let us know via our website contact form if you haven't gotten yours.
Some backers still haven't filled out their surveys. If you are unsure whether you have, please check as we can't send your issues unless you have.
We apologize for this final delay. See details below.
The issues are here and will begin going out first thing Monday morning. Envelopes & add-ons have all been carefully arranged to help speed up the process as much as possible.
But wait, wasn't December 9th the release day? What happened?
One of the hardest parts of the process is that after we send the final files to our printers, as we did in September, the process is out of our hands. All we can do is send emails asking how the printing, then shipping is going.
Which made it hard when we were told by a freight delivery company we won't name and shame that the books would arrive on Dec 2nd, so we padded that by a week for safety and said we'd release the issues on the 9th....yet a few days later, after our release day announcement, we were told the books would arrive on the 9th. We figured well, fine, that's right at the edge of our buffer but we'll deal with it.
Then the books didn't arrive on the 9th, either.
When would they arrive? The freight company wasn't sure. Providing you with an update felt foolish since the situation kept changing, so we decided to follow through with getting you all your digital copies and then hang tight until the shipment was actually in our hands.
As you can see from our photos, that time is now.
Our fulfillment person is very experienced and will attack this task with gusto first thing on Monday morning. She did a fantastic job with last year's issues, and will keep in touch with us about her progress. That said, it is possible some issues might not be shipped before the holiday break, needing to be shipped in the gap between Christmas and New Years, or in the first days of January 2025. Thus...
We will provide a campaign update the moment we have shipped 100% of our orders.
Being this close to Christmas also makes it difficult to judge precisely when issues will be received, though it's fair to assume U.S. backers will receive their copies the swiftest.
Again, we do apologize. Unfortunately our being messed around with shipping has had a ripple effect down the line to you.
Due to our strong support of Canada Post's workers and the absurd price increase involved with using courier services, we have decided to keep your orders safe in our storage facility until the strike has ended. The moment postal service in Canada resumes we shall ship your orders, and a campaign update will be made to let you know this.
The good thing is the issues are now safely with us, they're everything we wanted them to be, and we'll begin shipping them first thing Monday.
We very much look forward to the issues arriving in your hands, to seeing pictures of the issues out in the wild, and hearing your thoughts on something we began work on 18 months ago!
Thanks once more for helping make this crazy thing possible.
Hello there! As we hope to begin shipping NESS 2024 some time next week, we're putting out another reminder to those 14% of folks who have yet to fill out their surveys that a key part of the survey ispaying for shipping - vital if we're to get your books to you!
Overall, surveys are for:
Paying shipping.
Updating or confirming your mailing address.
Updating or confirming your payment information.
Last minute additions of Add-On goodies to your order .
So please check your spam folders if you haven't seen your own survey, and let us know if something has gone missing.