Asmadi Games - Chris
11 months ago

Project Update: Happy April! Pledge Manager and Pre-orders are LIVE

Happy April 1 everyone, the day for the most reliable news and information from around the Internet. On this day (yes really), we have opened up the Pledge Manager for Innovation Ultimate!

Pre-orders are also available for anyone who missed the campaign, at

Note: Our last update has more images of the updated art and graphic design on the cards, if you missed it! (Double note: Due to a small bug, you need to reload the page once you go to the update, to get it to load)

April Fool's Day card from The Unseen, featuring all the new card layout graphic design.

You should receive an email from BackerKit shortly with a link to complete the Pledge Manager. In there, you can add copies, change your tier, enter your address, and put in your payment info to pay for shipping / any add-ons you've purchased. The add-ons are very simple! You can add on additional copies of Innovation Ultimate for $69, or case-quantities of 12 for $540.

Retail Level Note: If you are a store and need to be exempt from sales taxes, that is a manual process and you'll need to contact me with details after you put in your order. Don't worry, we won't run any credit cards for a while yet, so you've got plenty of time to contact.

We were able to keep shipping costs close to our estimates, but they are generally a couple dollars higher than our guesses last year.  We will be shipping from hubs in China, France, the UK, USA, and Canada. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Schedule: We're almost done laying everything out, and will be sharing proofreading versions of the game soon. We spent the last couple weeks doing rulebook tidying up along with a large wording consistency pass across all five sets. Turns out when you make cards over a decade and a half, your use of language evolves over time! 

We anticipate the game shipping to backers and pre-orderees early this Fall. We'll have production samples at Gen Con and will be running many demos there, but its quite unlikely it'll be available that quickly. 

Happy April everyone and thanks for being part of bringing Innovation Ultimate to life! The large response from backers is what's allowed us to invest so much effort in the art and playtesting that we've done over the past months, and we can't express our gratitude enough. 
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