Hello! If you are in the following regions, you should have received (or be receiving in the next 24 hours) an address confirmation email from your hub:
South Am...
Asmadi Games - Chris
9 days ago
Europe Update
Down to 50 European backers who haven't replied to the address verification - I've directly emailed all of those folks from my account. Shipping should start next week. UK backers will be behind that, because games have to go on a smol trip first.
Asmadi Games - Chris
17 days ago
Update: Europe Shipping
If you're in Europe, you will be receiving an email from PTS/Matagot-Friends, as they are our fulfillment partner for the region. That email has a link for you to verify/vali...
Asmadi Games - Chris
22 days ago
Shipping Updates!
Hello friends, thanks for your patience as we navigate the stormy shipping waters known colloquially as "2025". Things are moving frustratingly slower than even my conservati...
Asmadi Games - Chris
about 1 month ago
Stupid Update
Got an email from a Canadian backer asking about impending tariffs - the answer right now is, I'm not sure what will happen. We might try and wait a couple weeks to send games from US->CA and see if it blows over, but if it doesn't, we'll figure something out.
What a dumb ti...
Asmadi Games - Chris
about 1 month ago
Pre-update update!
Goods will be arriving at hubs in early Feb, shipping will commence then! Will post a proper update when we have more details.
A lot of folks have asked here and elsewhere when the Pledge Manager will be open, and I know we've mentioned dates we've hoped to have it by. The simple answer - the Pledge Manager will open once the game is fully submitted to the factory and ready for print. Until then, all of our focus will be on making that happen!
Hello friends, associates, innovationauts, and puppers*!
It has been a little over 24 hours, and it's been a great first day for Innovation Ultimate. Over 1500 backers, $100K raised, triple our goal, and some pretty ridiculous games of Innovation that we streamed online. If you missed the streams, worry not, we'll be doing more soon!
It's not a real card, shh.
As the card demands, I'd like to thank each and every person who's chosen to support our project here on BackerKit - you all are the reason we make games, and you're also the reason we're able to make games. We're thrilled that so many folks still enjoy a game that was built almost 15 years ago now, and one that we're very excited to upgrade.
Hello! If you are in the following regions, you should have received (or be receiving in the next 24 hours) an address confirmation email from your hub:
Asia Africa South America Australia (And NZ) Mexico Israel Russia
It will look like this, and include a link for you to confirm your address - and for certain regions, provide a tax number (Brazil especially, but some others).
If you do not receive an email by Friday and are in one of those regions, reach out to me at innovation @ asmadigames.com and I'll deal with your confirmation manually.
Shipping for these regions will begin soon - sorry for the delays, it's a bit of a wild time for shipping out there for a variety of reasons.