Asmadi Games - Chris
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Locking things in! Art, Gameplay, Proofs coming soon

Hello friends, we are here with an update!


We've been hard at work getting everything ready for print, and we're happy to say that we've reached gameplay/rules completion this past week. What this means is that all card text and rules concepts are "locked in" and we're going through now to ensure we've got wording consistency, no typos, and that everything fits on cards. Big thanks to everyone who's playtested the game on Yucata, BGA, or in person at conventions over the past half-year. Extra eyes are always a big help!


With lock-in set, I'm going to be doing the big data-merge export from our card info spreadsheets through InDesign next week. With hundreds of cards, automating this part of the process ensures we don't wind up with transcription errors. From experience, copying and pasting thousands of icons? Not fun. Here's an extremely accurate illustration of the process:

Once we export all the cards, we'll be doing our own check through for errors, along with having the fresh export available on Yucata and a proofreading website for any backers who want to take a peek. We're pretty confident there aren't any major issues left, but a small lurking typo could be anywhere! We welcome anyone who wants to take a peek :) 

With the rules locked-in, we'll also have the rulebook PDF available in the next couple weeks. When all of that's approved, we'll be pushing the print button! Hurray! Definitely a little later than we'd anticipated, but the game is better for all the effort that's gone into it over the past several months. We want to deliver the best possible Innovation to everyone, and we're excited to do just that. 

Artwork Updates

Work on the card icons for The Unseen is complete, and we have a handful of other icons to create for cards that changed titles between 3rd edition and Ultimate. That should be done in the next week or so.  Meanwhile, we've been finishing up work on the new card backs, and we're really excited about how they've come out. Each age's schematic depicts what an innovator of the time might dream of building. We've used building and architecture styles from around the globe, with each illustration created as a monochrome sketch. The set (base or expansion) still determines the color of the card back, which you can see examples of below:

Card backs for Echoes age 1, Base 2, Figures 4, Artifacts 8, and Unseen 11

Each expansion also has its symbol beneath the age number to assist with identification, especially for folks with color vision issues. You can also see on the card fronts that elements of the schematic art are carried over on the left edge, to give a little bit of age-driven flavor to your board.

Having played with the updated cards in person, we're really thrilled by how all our changes have come out. The font size increases (especially for card titles) and our updates in color scheme have made the game both more usable and more beautiful.


The time to the next update's going to be much smaller as we're rapidly moving into the proofing stage. Expect more news in the next two weeks! We'll be discussing packaging then, along with links to the proofread-ready things mentioned above. 
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