3 months ago

Project Update: Thank you!!!

Wow, this campaign is exceeding my expectations already! Less than 2 hours and we met our goal, and within 72 hours already unlocked 3 of the stretch goals. This is one of the fastest moving crowdfunds I've ever done! 😊 Thank you!!! Yay for Backerkit, too! I had a wonderful time setting up this campaign (compared to Kickstarter). Way more freedom and versatility! Aside from needing the approval to launch.

Now comes the hardest part, marketing. It's the one area I really struggle with. 😩 Most of the success I receive comes from you guys. Even if you can't pledge, sharing with your friends is key! I know starting a project right before the holidays was probably unwise, but I was anxious. 😅 If anyone has advice on how to market, I'm all ears. I boosted my Instagram post, shared it on every social platform I have, not sure what else to do.

Anyways, I'm very excited to see how far this goes. I'd love for all the stretch goals to be unlocked! 😊

Hope you're all doing well! Love ya! 
- sugar
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