ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)
7 days ago

Project Update: 5/8 stetch goals unlocked!! + new pin sketches 🌠

WOW!! it's still only the first day and we've already unlocked more than half of our stretch goals -- that's CRAZY!! thank you all so, so much. im so glad that my little guys have connected with ya'll in some way!

this means we now have 3 unlocked pin spots to choose from! just as a refresher, here are the first three designs we're currently voting on to fill the first spot:

of these three designs, the current leader is sally, amy, and moe, the three black mice! with belka & strelka close behind, followed by miss baker.

i wanted to be sure to give you guys plenty of options for unlockable pins, so for our second unlocked pin slot, id like to introduce three new options!

on the left we have ham the chimpanzee (1961), the first ape in space! next we have arabella & anita (1973), the first spiders in space (and the first to spin webs in space!). last but not least -- the rabbit marfusha and her canine companions otvazhnaya & snezhinka (1959)!

which of these three new designs do you like best? 🌠
55 votes • Final results
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