ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)
8 days ago

Project Update: we launch TOMORROW!! sneak peek at potential unlocked pins

Super exciting news! We launch at exactly 10am PST tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited to share these pin designs with you! I've been working hard on them and I hope it shows 🥺

I wanted to give you all who've been following the project already a little heads up when it comes to early bird tiers; there are around 50ish spots available across 3 pledge types, so if you wanna get some pins at a discounted price, make sure to have all your payment information/backerkit profile updated by the launch time so you can get em first!

Remember that you can sign up for the mailing list HERE if you haven't already to get notified as soon as the project launches!

Also, I wanted to share the next three possible designs that will be available for unlock during the campaign. Backers will be able to vote on which design gets unlocked first if/once we reach a new pin unlock stretch goal!

First, we have Belka & Strelka, two Russian space dogs launched in 1960 who came back alive! Next is the spider monkey Miss Baker, launched in 1959, who was not only brought back alive but lived to a ripe old age! Lastly, we have three black mice: Sally, Amy, and Moe, launched by the US & recovered safely in 1960.

Which one are you hoping gets unlocked first? Or would you prefer a different space animal altogether? Let me know!
user avatar image for ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)




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