ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)
about 1 month ago

Project Update: production update: new samples ordered!

hey yall! just wanted to let you know that we've finished getting the next two designs sample ready, so our first set of three new samples are currently underway!

of these three samples, one is a new version of the original design with a few changes & two are brand new designs: the honduran white bat & the dreamy bat!

of all the designs in the lineup, the dreamy bat is definitely the most complicated, so im hoping to get that one out of the way ASAP! luckily neither of these designs required any serious changes when converting to pantone, which i was a little worried about for dreamy bat 😅

anyway, other than samples, here are two of our add on items that have already arrived!

the all bats are beautiful sticker & the print set! the batty blind bag pins + the fat bat notepads are currently in production as well :D slowly but surely starting to get everything together!
user avatar image for ANDPIERRES (Nicholas King)




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