American Mythology Comics
6 months ago

Project Update: Thank You & Question About Stretch Goals

Thank you to everyone that helped us make The Legend Of La Rosa Blanca a success here on ComicTopia!  We are really thankful to have fans who believe this will be a story worthy of being in your collections.  We think you are going to love this book and we can't wait to share it with you.

Now...on that front - we didn't get to the stretch goals we posted.  One of the big ones was that at $10k we would have The Legend of La Rosa Blanca colored instead of it being a B&W comic.  We really were hoping to get there because as much as we love the feel of B&W - nothing beats a really nice color book.  

So we want to ask this question to all of our backers.  Would you prefer that we go ahead and just print and ship The Legend of La Rosa Blanca as it was solicited in black & white?  Or would you rather see us list this on Kickstarter and try to achieve the stretch goals we set out to make?  Now to be clear - if we achieve the goal on Kickstarter all of our  BackerKit supports would ALSO GET THOSE REWARDS.  We would not even consider this unless each of you received the same benefit.  

So by this reasoning - if we ran the campaign on Kickstarter and it hit the stretch amount - all of the copies would be colored.  I should mention that if we did this - we probably would not be shipping until around December (assume 60 - 90 days for a colorist to complete it).  So the trade off is that it would take a little longer to get the books.

Anyway - we want to know what you think.  Please fill out the poll and we'll use our backer feedback to determine how to proceed. 

Thank you!!





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