American Mythology Comics
2 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Update - Missing Surveys - Failed Credit Cards - Holidays Approaching

Hi everyone,

We have been working day and night shipping out packages for our Fright Night backers.  As of today we are 75% done at this time and trying to get the final quarter out the door ASAP.  Here's some quick updates on the status:

-We have 19 backers who have not replied to the survey - please take a moment to make sure you have filled out your shipping info so we can get everything out to you.

-We have 4 folks whose credit cards have had an issue and have not gone through - we'd like to get those resolved so we can get you the books you ordered

-We have 75 backers who we are working to get shipped out.  There was a small delay waiting for some stock to arrive on one of the add-ons.  But everything is pretty much resolved at this time.  We're sending out more packages every day so please keep an eye out for your tracking.

That's it.  For everyone that has already received your items - we hope you enjoy the book as much as we have.

For the folks still pending - we are pushing as fast as we can.  Our team consists of one person doing the packing and shipping and we promise he is doing as much as humanly possible under the circumstances. 

Thank you for your support of American Mythology comics - without you we wouldn't be able to keep making these awesome horror books.  Thank you!
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