Wheel of Fate: The Audiobook

Wheel of Fate: The Audiobook

X-Men meets American Gods in this award-winning urban fantasy series from AK Faulkner. Help fund production of the audiobook of Wheel of Fate, the tenth in the series, with rewards to suit new readers and long-time fans alike!
£2,311 🎉
of £700
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Step into a world of supernatural danger, where gifted humans brush up against old gods and dark horrors alike, all while trying to keep their own lives from falling apart.

Inheritance is an ongoing urban fantasy series for readers who love:
  • The Magnus Archives, Rusty Quill
  • The Tarot Sequence, K.D. Edwards
  • The Adam Binder Series, David R. Slayton

Project backer rewards are suitable for new readers and existing fans alike. Choose from any book in the series, in whichever format you prefer, or pick up all ten books (to date) and binge-read them all at once! And if you've got all the books already, you can go straight to the add-ons via the Build Your Own Pledge tier.

Hi, I'm AK, and I'm the author of Inheritance, an ongoing dark urban fantasy series. Inheritance has won multiple awards and received critical acclaim. But don't just take my word for it; here's what reviewers say:

With your help, I will produce the audiobook version of Wheel of Fate (Inheritance, Book Ten). The new audiobook will be available exclusively to BackerKit supporters before it is released to the general public.

To help me get there, we have a variety of rewards to suit fans and new readers alike. Pick and choose individual books - or get a bundle of all ten - then grab add-ons like keychains, notebooks, art prints, and more!

The primary goal of this project is to produce the audiobook of Wheel of Fate.

The secondary goal is to create additional merch: all journal and keyring add-ons have been designed for this project, and are priced lower than they will be once they arrive in The Magic Shop.

The project's initial target is set at £700. All funds achieved at this goal will go towards mitigating the cost of the audiobook production for Wheel of Fate.

Wheel of Fate is a hefty 120,000 words, so is likely to come in at around 14-15 hours. £3,200 will fully cover the cost of production and proofing, along with BackerKit's campaign fee.

At £5,000, the cost of designing, producing, and shipping all pledge rewards to the UK will also be covered; this is where I break even, hurrah!

From there on out, additional stretch goals will be unveiled, and any extra funds will go towards recovering costs of audiobooks 1-8 in the series (and hopefully getting me to another US convention in 2024).

* USD conversion estimates are correct at time of publication, but subject to unforeseeable exchange rate fluctuations.

There’s a world of magic, gods, and incredible gifts. It lurks out of sight, hidden around the next corner or in the blink of an eye. But if you scratch the surface of what we all think of as as ‘real’, the miraculous bleeds forth, unseen by most.

Those who encounter it are rarely left unscathed.

Some are better equipped to deal with it than others: the gifted, humans born with astonishing powers passed down from prehistory; witches and other sorcerers, capable of sensing and harnessing magic itself; children of gods, with the power of their ancestors buried deep in their bloodlines.

Ordinary people with an extraordinary edge.

Welcome to the world of Inheritance.

Season One introduces the world and characters of Inheritance, reveals secrets that can't stay buried forever, and sets Laurence and Quentin on the path of breaking the chains of their pasts.

Season Two sees our heroes grow and develop, both in power and their personal lives, as they are forced to face truths about themselves and make choices that can never be undone.


Inheritance contains adult themes and scenes readers may find distressing, including: sexual intimacy, addiction, drug use, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, incest, gaslighting, bullying, coercive control, kidnapping, domestic abuse, bigotry, classism, torture, post-traumatic stress, therapy, violence, peril, and death.

Sensitivity readers have been engaged for all experiences which are not the author's own.

* USD conversion estimates are correct at time of publication, but subject to unforeseeable exchange rate fluctuations.

* USD conversion estimates are correct at time of publication, but subject to unforeseeable exchange rate fluctuations.

As we all know, the costs of shipping have spiralled dramatically since 2020. I will mitigate this as best as possible by using the most cost-effective method available. This may result in your rewards being shipped separately.

The majority of rewards will be dispatched from the UK. If you are in the European Union, I will pre-pay delivery duty wherever possible.

PLEASE NOTE: Shipping costs ARE NOT included in the cost of your pledge. You will be charged for shipping — and have an opportunity to adjust your pledge — after the campaign, through the pledge manager.

The following costs are estimates based on May 2024 prices, though they are not expected to change a great deal before fulfilment (June-July 2024).

Again, we will be charging the actual costs via the BackerKit pledge manager during your survey. These are estimated costs only.

* Currency conversion estimates are correct at time of publication, but subject to unforeseeable exchange rate fluctuations. World column $ is USD.


Whether you're new to Inheritance or have been here a while, I want to thank you so much for your support. These books don't happen in a vacuum. Without you, I wouldn't be able to keep doing this thing I love so much, and a queer autistic author with ADHD it's truly an honour to have found my people and know that you love these books every bit as much as I do!



If you enjoy our work, please take a moment to join us on social media!

Fan Discord server: https://discoverinheritance.com/discord




Are you new to Backerkit? Don't worry! It's easy to use, and you are in full control of your pledge at all times! Follow these simple steps, and you can't go wrong!

1) Create your account
Head over to https://www.backerkit.com/c/users/sign_up and make an account. This lets you join the community, back campaigns, and stay up to date with all the project news and updates.

2) Select your pledge level
Choose from the available reward tiers. Don't worry, you can change your mind right up until the campaign ends, and you won't be charged until the end of the campaign! Shipping costs are not included in your pledge level. They are charged after the campaign ends.

3) Include add-ons
Build the reward bundle you want by choosing from the available add-ons. Plushies, keychains, notebooks, tote bags, and more are available!

4) Check out
That's it! You're done until the campaign ends and surveys go out (approximately 2 weeks after the end of the campaign).

5) Complete your survey
After the campaign you'll receive an email with your survey. This is where you get to pick exactly which books you want, as well as manage your add-ons before you finalise your order. You can continue to edit your order via Backerkit until orders are locked.

You have one month to complete your survey once it is sent. Surveys completed after this deadline may not receive their first choice of add-ons, as numbers are limited, so please keep an eye on your email or the campaign community page.

Remember! You won't be charged until the campaign ends.

If you need to lower or cancel your pledge later, you can do so any time before pledges are processed.

AK has run two previous crowdfunding projects, both on Kickstarter. Both exceeded their goals by tremendous orders of magnitude, and both completed fulfilment. All backers received all their rewards. There were some logistical hiccups due to the incredibly basic functionality within Kickstarter's survey system, and so AK has chosen to run this project on BackerKit instead, as the survey management on BackerKit is vastly superior (it's what BackerKit was initially built to do, in fact).

This is, therefore, AK's first ever BackerKit project, but BackerKit are on hand to help with any technical issues that arise, and are incredibly responsive and helpful. Of all the moving pieces in this puzzle, BackerKit are the least risky part.

Wheel of Fate is already written, edited, and scheduled for publication on the 31st of May 2024. It is being pre-launched at MCM Comic Con London. There is no risk that the book will not see completion.

Narration is already underway, and as AK and RJ have worked together in the past on multiple audiobooks in the same series, the only risk to completion of this project is if RJ's head falls off before he's done. AK hopes that this risk is extremely negligible.

Design and production of all add-ons has already also been completed and shipped to the UK. The primary risk here is whether they make it. If not, the manufacturer will resend, and the timeline for delivery of physical rewards may be impacted by 1-2 weeks at most.

Delivery of physical items is pursuant to provision of shipping, and all the risks accorded with such. All physical items will be shipped with tracking numbers and insurance. In the unlikely event that your rewards do not arrive, they will be replaced. If a limited edition item does not arrive and cannot be replaced, it will be refunded.

Delivery of audiobook or ebook files will be via BookFunnel. BookFunnel are extremely well-established with an excellent customer service team who respond very quickly to customer queries. If you have any difficulty with your books, BookFunnel will help you resolve it in record time.

All in all the risks are small, and to mitigate them even further, AK is only working with professionals, manufacturers, and logistics with which they have enjoyed a long track record of reliability and success.
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project