Katie Lockwood
2 months ago

Project Update: Updates!

The Rose the owl Plush prototype is in the mail and I am excitedly awaiting its arrival - I'm not sure of the exact delivery date but will update you with pictures as soon as it arrives!!!

There are currently 5 errored pledges (down from 10! :)) which means there's an issue with the payment method. Please check your credit card details to see if you need to update your card. If we have 75 backers (which we will if all pledges go through) then everyone will get a sticker added onto their pledge rewards

I have been working all week on the survey to send out to you all and hope to have it finalized and approved this week. 

What happens next?

Once my survey is finalized, we will send out a "smoke test" so 5% of backers will randomly get a survey to fill out and we will make sure their are no issues with the overall survey.

If all is good, then we will send out the survey to everyone else.

In the survey:
1. let us know your shipping address (you will have time to change this later, if needed)
2. respond to a few pledge questions - this is where you let me know who to inscribe any books too, etc.
3. check out add ons - you want an extra plush, want to add on a donation, etc.
4. pay for any add on's

Shipping will be charged closer to fulfillment (this is when we will "lock" addresses too) so that we are able to fetch the most accurate rates for surveys. You will be notified after shipping fees are added in and before cards are charged so you can update things as needed. 

Thank you all for your support and generosity!

Once we reach this goal, everyone gets a 3x3 sticker!
Goal: 75 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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