So excited about Rose Owl Plush's arrival. I have already done two trips to the post office to mail everyone's owls and other goodies and I have a few more trips to go. I am ...
Katie Lockwood
23 days ago
Rose owl will be fulfilled in the next two weeks! - Still waiting on 10 surveys to be completed!
100 Rose owls have flown in and will be arriving at my doorstep in the next few days. So excited to send them off to you!!!
Katie Lockwood
2 months ago
Rose Owl is being shipped to me!
Apologies for the lack of update for awhile - the school year, the holidays, and all the childhood sicknesses have been kicking my butt! The process took a bit longer than ex...
Katie Lockwood
6 months ago
Rose Owl Tag + Only 24 Hours Left for My Body Beeps! Growing Up With Diabetes
A hang tag is in the process of being designed for Rose owl plush and production is on schedule. So excited for Rose Owl Plush!!!
It's the last 24 HOURS for My Body Beeps! ...
Katie Lockwood
6 months ago
My Body Beeps! Growing Up With Diabetes is live
Hello Everyone,
So excited for Rose owl plushies to arrive - I've been working on a new book: My Body Beeps! to support children and families with diabetes and its currently l...
Katie Lockwood
6 months ago
Rose Owl is in production!
Rose the owl plush is currently in production which take about 4 weeks. I made a couple fine tuning alterations before moving into production mode - moving the leaf on the hat t...
So excited about Rose Owl Plush's arrival. I have already done two trips to the post office to mail everyone's owls and other goodies and I have a few more trips to go. I am waiting to ship all packages to backers in Massachusetts in hopes that you will be able to attend the book launch + pick up party!!! See Invite Below!
*If you live in MA and know that you won't be able to make it to the party, please send me a message at [email protected] or on Insta @acorn_cottage_press and I will get your packages shipped out.
Apologies for the lack of update for awhile - the school year, the holidays, and all the childhood sicknesses have been kicking my butt! The process took a bit longer than expected but Rose owl is done, passed her safety certification, gorgeous, and on its way!!! If you haven't completed your survey - please do. I will be mailing Rose owl out to backers as soon as they arrive. I will also be having a pick up party and would love to see you there - will set a date for that when I know exactly when I will have the Rose owls here.
A hang tag is in the process of being designed for Rose owl plush and production is on schedule. So excited for Rose Owl Plush!!!
Greener Acorn Caps
Brown Acorn Cap
It's the last 24 HOURS for My Body Beeps! Growing Up With Diabetes and I am so excited for this book to come to life. With a different illustrator and a different process - this book is almost completely done! I'm blown away by the timeline of this project. The whole book went from a semi edited manuscript to a complete book with illustrations in 3 months! SO WILD!!!
This is the last chance to preorder My Body Beeps! and get a Katie or Josh or Special Custom Linen dolls before the campaign ends tomorrow! We currently have 92 backers and I think we can get to 100 backers before tomorrow. Can you help us get to 100 backers? Share out and support if you can! Sharing out the last two spreads in the book, one page will go over the different types of diabetes to help educate others and the other provides discussion questions to help support families in discussing the book with their children to assist them in processing their feelings while gaining independence to help take care of their diabetes. Any feedback on these pages is appreciated!
So excited for Rose owl plushies to arrive - I've been working on a new book: My Body Beeps! to support children and families with diabetes and its currently live on Backerkit if you would like to learn more about it!