Amey Zeigler
6 months ago

Project Update: $262 Away from the digital coloring pages, upgraded map and piano arrangement download!

I am blown away! I truly am! Thank you so much! I am humbled by your love and support. Thank you to all those who have shared on social media or have told your friends! Keep sharing. It makes a huge difference!

With just 30 hours or so away from our finishing line, we have just a few hundred dollars left to unlock all the digital goodies! WE CAN DO IT!

Don't forget about my amazing collab partner! I had a lovely chat with her last Saturday and we have so much in common. She also loves Japanese anime. If you haven't had a chance to check out her project, I highly recommend hopping over there. She is also fully funded. I was impressed with her story when we talked during our streaming event. And she just seems like an amazing person.  PLUS if you back both projects at a physical tier, you get six oracle cards delivered with your goodies. Thanks for taking part in Booktopia! It's been so much fun!

And here's your free ebook for today.

The Curse Of The Arcadian Stone

Thank you so much for this amazing journey and rush to the finish line! Thank you for being here and being apart of the magic!
Once we reach $3000, we will upgrade both maps and include a digital download for an arrangement of a song and get digital downloads for coloring pages!
Goal: $3,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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