9th Level Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Happy New Year! Digital Fulfillment Coming Soon!

 Happy New Year! Digital Fulfillment Coming Soon!

Today we set the Backerkit surveys to lock in 48hours, you should have received a notice. You don't have to do anything unless you want to make changes to your order. Addresses are not locked. After the orders automatically lock, credit cards will be charged for add-ons as well as shipping. 

Then, we will distribute a bunch of great digital rewards to you including: 

  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Orange RPG 

  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Coloring Book

  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Character Sheets 

*NOTE: You can access these digital rewards from your survey in Backerkit, however you will get an email once they have been distributed to you. 

Production Status 

Kobolds Ate My Baby Orange Book - Complete, expected delivery by end of February
Kobolds Ate My Baby Dice Set - Complete and delivered to us 
Kobolds Ate My Baby Coloring Book - Complete, expected delivery by end of January
Kobold Plush - In transit to us, expected end of February 
SMORKAS BORG - In final edits, physical books orders & digital fulfillment by end of January
Kobolds Ate My Baby Digital Adventure Pack - In final layout, digital fulfillment by end of January
It's Always Orange in Philadelphia Adventure - In final edits, physical books orders & digital fulfillment by end of January
All Hail King Torg Stickers - ordered and expected by Jan 15th

Physical Delivery to you 

As of the last factory update, we expect to be able to ship out everything out in late February. As we get more firm dates we'll be in touch.

Here are a few preview pages for you to enjoy while you wait for your digital delivery!


~9th Level Games 
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