9th Level Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Plush Sample is Here & Production Update

Thank you for all the t-shirt suggestions. One thing we heard loud and clear is that you folks want an All Hail King Torg shirt. We'll definitely do that and may also include another option TBD. Those will not go on sale until 2024. 

Plush Sample 

Here is the physical sample and it is just as awesome and wickedly cute as we had hoped! We have named him Beta. 
Physical kobold plush sample

Production on the plush will be begin shortly. This also requires safety testing which will add a few weeks to the entire process. We'll keep you in the loop. 

Delivery to you Delayed

We were hoping to be able to deliver the digital version this month and get you the physical version by the end of October, but that will not be feasible. At this point we fully expect to be able to send out the final digital version by the end of October as well as some of other digital items. Once we have the book with the printer we'll have a better idea of delivery to you, however we are expecting only 4-6 weeks after we approve our proofs. The goal is to delivery to you before Christmas 2023. 

Project Status

  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Orange Book - Manuscript complete, in the early stages of layout.
  • SMORKAS BORG - Fully written, in early stages of layout.
  • Kobold Plush - Sample approved, awaiting factory estimated delivery date
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Digital Adventure Pack - Fully written. Ready for layout after main book. 
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Dice Set - Ordered and awaiting delivery 
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Coloring Book - In Layout 
  • It's Always Orange in Philadelphia Adventure - Won't be written until Orange Book layout is complete 

Thank you for your patience and ALL HAIL KING TORG!








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