Dungeon Damsel
10 months ago

Project Update: $100k Stretch Goal: FREE DICE SET for backers of the Physical COMPLETE edition and higher!

This campaign has gone better than we could have ever hoped. Your love for the Shadowdark RPG and the rest of Kelsey's passionate community has made it possible. As a thank you, we wanted to provide a free set of custom dice representing the look and feel of Unnatural Selection and the Shadowdark RPG for all backers of the Physical Edition COMPLETE (priced at $55) and higher. If you haven't pledged already, (or you need to upgrade) do so HERE!

So if you were on the fence and backed the digital or the $39 physical version, then this might be the final reason to upgrade your pledge and help us get to this awesome stretch goal!

If you haven't pledged already, (or you need to upgrade) do so HERE!

See you north of $100k!

The Dungeon Damsel Team
A full set of custom dice to represent our love for the Shadowdark RPG!
Goal: $100,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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