Trump Card: The Game of Lying Liars & Lies They Lie About

Trump Card: The Game of Lying Liars & Lies They Lie About

TRUMP CARD is a game of planning, lying, and claiming to have the Most Superlative Card such as the Tallest Building, Greatest Golden Commode, and so on. If you don’t have the right card… lie! But look out, another player may have the Trump Card!
$2,435 🎉
of $1,500
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Trump Card is the game of "Lying Liars and the Lies they Lie About." It's for 3-6 players, each game takes 10-15 minutes, and whoever has the most points wins. If you want to play longer, you can play until someone hits 20 points, rather than after 1 game. 

How Does It Play?

The Trump Card deck has 4 suits of Superlative Cards (Commodes, Rallies, Towers, and Walls), each of which has a numerical value (one its value within that suit, one its value in any other suit) and a list of superlatives (Biggest, Shiniest, Tallest, Most Valuable, and so on). Each round, a player claims to have the highest-valued card of a given suit, and everyone follows suit claiming THEY actually have the most valuable card.

Art by Stan! Graphic Design by Lj Stephens

Since each player only holds 4 cards at a time (it's a game of small hands), chances are at least SOME players are lying each round. Everyone declares who they think ACTUALLY has the most valuable card, and you get points for having that card, points for fooling others if you don't, and points for guessing who does correctly.

But you KNOW it can't be that simple.

Yep, a lot of Action cards have direct quotes with dates they occurred.

Action Cards

There are two more types of cards that throw monkey wrenches in the flow of play. The first are Action Cards. Each action card is based on a real-world quote or phrase that is, well, Trumpian. Players use Action Cards to change the suit of a given hand, or make the least valuable card the winner, or any of a dozen other things that impact who wins.

And some of them you can play without showing anyone... as long as they are willing to risk calling your potential bluff.

Trump Cards

And finally there are three Trump Cards - Trump 45, Biden Your Time, and Trump 47. Trump Cards beat absolutely any other card, except other Trump Cards. Biden Your Time beats Trump 45, but Trump 47 beats Biden Your Time, and Trump 45 (being younger and more energetic) clearly beats Trump 47.

Hi, I'm Owen K.C. Stephens, Game Designer. And this is my game, "Trump Card."

It's the game I had HOPED I wouldn't want to make.

I had the idea for Trump Card in 2019, and seriously though about working on it then. But it looked like one of the major tie-in elements that would act as advertising for the game might be about to go off the air. So I decided to wait and see what the next year would bring before dedicating myself to a crowdfunding campaign.

And, to my delight, in 2020 my desire to make this game declined significantly!
I keep working on it off and on, as I felt the core concept was fun and interesting, but my belief at the time was that there would no longer be a need to use that core game concept for Trump Card.

Then, in November of 2024, my urge to make this game skyrocketed as the Tie In Element came back onto the stage in a big way.


So, finishing the core design for Trump Card became my primary goal, and that brings us to... now.

Card Back. Art by Stan! Design by Lj Stephens


I've been working on this game for years, and I'm very happy with the game design. But designing the visuals and procuring the art for a 104-card deck takes a lot of time and money. I have lined up an artist (the amazing Stan!) and graphic designer (game industry veteran Lj Stephens) to do the work, and they've started. Everything they do is amazing!

Art for the ‘The rules were you guys weren’t going to fact check!’ Action Card

I've been talking to tabletop game industry insiders about this game for years. Their reaction has always been positive, and their feedback invaluable. But in the end, I want to be in charge of this project, and that means publishing it myself. Sadly, I can't afford to pay Stan! and Lj for the visuals of the entire game in advance. I need to raise funds to get this game over the finish line! And that's where crowdfunding comes in.

If we don't hit our initial funding goal at all, the game just won't happen and I'll be out of pocket for the cost of development to date. If the game is a massive hit, we can add things to match the expanded budget. The entire point of crowdfunding is to see what the market is like for a game.. so we're going to let YOU tell us how big our pans should be!

Digital Trump: Why DriveThruCards POD and PDFs?

The Digital Trump pledge level gets you a PDF as soon as the game art and layout are all finished, and a link to let you print a deck and ship it directly from the printer when the physical files are ready. That means you don't have money tied up to pay for the printing and shipping until the game is ready to be printed, and you can decide if you want a physical copy after you receive the PDF.

This is also currently the only way to get a physical copy outside the continental United States.

I have a long history with DriveThru, and trust them to handle fulfilment of the digital files and POD options for everyone.

DriveThruCards is a registered trademark of Roll20, LLC.

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