A hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!
MythCraft TTRPG Returns: Forge Your Myth, Embark on New Sagas, and Create Epic Adventures in the Ultimate Tabletop Experience!
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
The Storypath Ultra Core Manual is the best possible version of the Storypath tabletop roleplaying system, ready to be used for your own tabletop game sessions.
Eliminate the slog in your 5e combat, speed up play and maximize interesting, tactical choices for players and DMs.
The conversation continues when Mighty Super Heroes and Astonishing Super Heroes meet and become HEROIC! The official role playing game of the Zenith Comics Universe, HEROIC is a neo-clone of the classic FASERIP system from the 1980s as a more modern rpg.
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
The realms of Britain after the Romans, a world of Warlords, where heroes are remembered as the Knights of King Arthur.
The Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide is a new rules expansion, taking your Trinity Continuum RPG to the next level!