Royal Blood - A Tarot Heist RPG
Cast the cards. Don your crown of lead and silver. Tonight you're going to take them for everything they've got.

Elder Mythos Roleplaying Game
A cosmic horror tabletop roleplaying game in which you will play dreadful Lovecraftian Entities vying to destroy or control the world.

Journey To Ragnarok - Echoes of Doom: 5e Norse Adventures
An anthology of Norse adventures for 5th Edition.

The year is 1943. You are a team of crack vampire commandos with one mission: drink all of Hitler's blood.

ManaZine #1-2, Adventures for OSRIC, Mörk Borg, and 5e
Grim Dark Generic Splatter Fantasy Adventures under the aegis of ZineQuest 2023!

Nightfell - Children of the Moon
Howl at the Moon and experience lycanthropy in all its shapes, in the Gold ENnies Award winner world of Iùrmen for 5e.

Cowboy Bebop - The Roleplaying Game
The official tabletop roleplaying game of one of the most famous anime series ever

DIE: The Roleplaying Game
A tabletop RPG based on the DIE comic, created by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans, and produced by the makers of Spire and Heart.

ORC BORG - brutal chaos powered by MÖRK BORG
Fight, steal, yell and party in a doomed spaceship on a collision course with heaven

ARN - Argentum Res Novae for 5e
Argentum Res Novae is a 5e setting inspired by the Victorian era and the Industrial Revolution

Not The End Roleplaying Game
English Edition of Not the End, the roleplaying game narrating the tales of heroes willing to risk everything for what they hold dear.

Crystal Saga - Le Catene di Chrysalis
II primo live show ufficiale della Locanda del Drago Rosso, una campagna di 12 episodi in un mondo fantasy dai toni JRPG!

SIN: A Spire RPG Sourcebook
Crime, punishment and uncaring gods in a mile-high cursed city.

La Quarta Stagione di "Luxastra", la campagna di gioco di ruolo/webserie più seguita d'Italia.

Elder Mythos Apparel
A clothing signature series based on Lovecraftian Mythology, featuring T-shirts, hoodies, and more!

Create your own unique world and then blow it to pieces.

Nightfell: Horror Fantasy Setting for 5e
Nightfell is a Horror Fantasy setting, a grimdark world under the influence of the Moon, for 5th Edition.

Norse Grimoire for 5th Edition & Journey To Ragnarok reprint
A collection of rituals and magical signs for 5th Edition, together with the Journey To Ragnarok reprint.

Not the End
Not the End è un Gioco di Ruolo che narra le avventure di eroi disposti a rischiare tutto per ciò che considerano importante.

Voidheart Symphony
A tabletop roleplaying game of psychic rebellion in the shadows of the city, powered by the apocalypse.

Heart: The City Beneath RPG
A game of obsession and wonder in a nightmare dungeon beneath the Spire.

Historia: Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e
A merciless world populated by anthropomorphic animal races, new classes & game options, equipment, kinds of magic, and much more!

Mysthea: Legends From the Borderlands
Rebuild a war-torn city and win fame for your guild in this geomantic fantasy tabletop RPG.

Strata: a Spire RPG sourcebook
A full-colour hardback sourcebook for the Spire RPG.

The Silence of Hollowind - Urban Fantasy RPG
Hollowind is a vast megalopolis that fifty years ago, thanks to Merlin’s Edict, managed to overthrow the tyranny of arcane families; since that very moment it has been fighting the remaining survivors of the Purge. The Bureaus represent the first line of defense in their daily battle against enemies within and without, observing the motto: order, reveal, and persecute. Anyone attempting to break this new balance, conquered with the blood of thousands, will have to face the Bureaus. The arcanists are always plotting, and people must remain vigilant. The Silence of Hollowind is a Urban Fantasy role playing game, adaptable to many rules systems with the addition of setting-specific mechanics to enhance gameplay (Savage Worlds is the first system we will design for; the 10,000€ stretch goal unlocks D&D5E and FATE conversions). It is a complex and detailed setting, aesthetically reminiscent of 1930s United States but populated by Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and countless fantasy creatures living within the oppressive Hollowind, a metropolis rich with mysteries and contradictions where magic is outlawed and whoever makes use of it is hunted down as a criminal.

Spire RPG
Join the dark elf resistance against their cruel high elf overlords in this urban fantasy-punk tabletop RPG.

Journey To Ragnarok: A Norse Mythology Adventure for 5e
A Norse Mythology based adventure module (1st-15th level) across The Nine Worlds Setting for 5th Edition. 1027% Funded by 1082 Backers!

Unbound RPG
Limitless adventures in worlds of your own creation.

Goblin Quest - A tabletop RPG of fatal ineptitude
Goblin Quest is a tabletop roleplaying game about slapstick violence, fatal ineptitude, and the greatest adventure of your life.