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Anna Whaley

I was raise on an acreage in the middle of SE Nebraska with all sorts of animals, so it's no surprise I went into veterinary medicine. Spent 25 years as a licensed vet tech. Then burnout and a bad manager caused me to 'retire'.  Spent some time working with special needs kids at our local school, then got my certification to be a CNA.  That lasted until my back gave out and I had to have surgery. No worries though, still live on that same acreage with my family and my father. My husband is retired from the local plumbing union and we currently raise ball pythons. 

I first was introduced to the world of Valdemar in college. I grew up in a very white, Christian, straight area and I encountered many new things in a larger city. A good friend noticed a was struggling with dealing with some friends that were part of the LGBTQ community, so she had me read The Last Herald Mage series. It was an eye opener. Definitely the time Vanyel spent with the Hawkbrothers did me good. Because of this, I learned to love Misty's books (The Fire Rose is my favorite by far.) Not only that, but I have a much more open mind and heart. Our home is a safe home where everyone can be who they are and the haunted attraction I work for, the area I manage, is a safe area to work. I try to make sure the younger and LGBTQ kids know this too.

I know I would definitely be a healer in Valdemar. Probably a mind healer as I am an empath as well.

Take care fellow Valdemarians. :)


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