Heya I'm Ivan,
I'm a reader and videogamer foremost.
I play a lot of Elder Scrolls Online with my gaming friends, and like to relax chilling with them
Next to that I read a lot as well and went through 129 of them last year. However this year my goal is actually to read less, in the hope that I have more time to play things like solo ttrpg's and single player videogames.
I specifically play solo ttrpg's and not group based things like regular DnD. I am disabled and am unable to play much longer than an hour in one go. This makes it too difficult for a group to get together and bring a DnD campaign to flow, so instead I greatly enjoy playing on my own.
You might see me backing things in all three of these categories of solo ttrpg's, videogames and books.
Thank you to all the creators on here making awesome things!


Backed project this year
9 pledges away from 2025 Star Backer