A complete professionally narrated audiobook of the Pinebox, TX Middle School setting for Savage Worlds, for relaxed familiarization, preparation, and enjoyment.
A campaign path for levels 0-5 compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics! Six adventures inspired by the classic GDQ series take the PCs from humble beginnings to fighting the primal forces of chaos and saving their world from certain doom!
A complete professionally narrated audiobook of Deadlands, a setting for Savage Worlds, for relaxed familiarization, preparation, and enjoyment.
Imagine a Victorian world, but not as history tells us it was, but as the literature implies that it was. Believe that the literature from the period were more than just stories, but instead first hand accounts of the events that happened in the world.
The core books for Rifts® for Savage Worlds will soon be out of stock! Join us for "classic" pricing on the 2nd Printing Player's Guide.