Let's Hunt Monstas! The Series!!! No.2
Mr. Button, the teddy bear monster hunter for hire, goes to space to stop an interdimensional monster attack! And that's the easy part!

Let's Hunt Monstas! The Series!!!
The comic book misadventures of a teddy bear monster hunter for hire.

Let's Hunt Monstas!
The comic book tale about a teddy bear who hunts monsters under the bed with extreme prejudice.

The Last Guardian
An apocalyptic fable of friendship, hope and courage, of a boy and his giant robot teddy bear, and their search for Sanctuary.

Dream Warriors - Adventure on the Isle of Dragons
Thomas, Marcy and their teddy bear spirit guide Nate, discover a mysterious Island and wake up the slumbering twin Dragons of Dreams

Dream Warriors
A cancer-ridden boy dreaming of being a Knight of old and a teddy bear spirit guide exploring and protecting our dreams from the Dark.

A Teddy Bear Tale: Twilight
A ragtag band of Cuddly Toys venture into the realm of the Underbed to rescue their child's soul from the clutches of the Bogeyman.

A Teddy Bear Tale - Here Be Monsters
Our ragtag band of heroic cuddly toys must stop the monsters under the bed from kidnapping their child

A Teddy Bear Tale An Adventure Comic Book
Did you know Teddy Bears have been protecting children from Monsters for over 100 years?

Out Of The Attic: A Teddy Bear Adventure Comic
Out Of The Attic is a Teddy Bear adventure comic book featuring the Cuddly Defenders battling Monsters to protect children

Mr Button's One Shot - A Teddy Bear Vengeance Comic Book
The simple tale of a Teddy Bear going on a rampage against the Boogeyman and the Monsters under the bed.

Superhero Teddy Bear Battling For Truth, Justice & Bedtime
Hero Ted, the Superhero Teddy Bear saving the world just before bedtime. An adventure comic book for all ages.

Tristan And The Cuddly Defenders: Out Of The Attic #2
The second collection of Teddy Bear Adventure stories as the Cuddly Defenders thwart the plans of the Monsters under the Bed.

Tristan and the Cuddly Defenders Teddy Bear Adventure Comic
Discarded Cuddly Toys team-up to stop the Bogeyman and the Monsters under the Bed in an adventure comic for all ages.

Tristan & the Cuddly Defenders a Teddy Bear Adventure Comic
Tristan & the Cuddly Defenders - a Teddy Bear's unconditional quest to protect children from the Bogeyman & his Monsters under the bed

A Teddy Bear Tale
An illustrated tale of Tristan the Teddy Bear protecting his child from the Monsters under the bed