Festivals of the Forgotten: Revelations of the Dark Carnival is a 200+ page D&D 5E-2024 Player Supplement and Adventure featuring the Dark Carnival in all its eccentric glory with musical score by V is for Villains. Be Evil. But Be Magnificent.
New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
Take your Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game adventures to deeper, creepier, and more atmospheric places with three new supplements plus useful and immersive extras. And if you're new to the game, this is a great place to start!
Step into MANDELBROT HALL, an animated slice-of-life that decays into cosmic horror. Help us make the pilot episode and receive exclusive merch, including posters, shirts, stickers, and more!
A game about the tragic struggles and defiant triumphs of a group of magical girls resisting an oppressive society. Girl by Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, and the transcendent power of relationships and community.
The perfect campaign to run after a TPK! If death awaits all adventurers, then the salvation of resurrection is always the hope.