Mad World is a 96-page Deadlands: Lost Colony expansion where Pestilence unleashes a deadly plague! Battle infected horrors, toxic jungles, and the Lord of Flies himself to save Banshee! Includes new gear, Edges, and a 6-part campaign.
The core books for Rifts® for Savage Worlds will soon be out of stock! Join us for "classic" pricing on the 2nd Printing Player's Guide.
New sci-fi splatterpunk 3rd party adventures and expanded rules from the creators of Vast Grimm // Inspired and infected by Mörk Borg
A community compendium of house rules for The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. This book defines a full methodology for solo and Wardenless play and includes house rules for everything from downtime to cybernetics.
Eclipse Phase Character Options: expanded toolbox for players and gamemasters * Complete selection of morphs — your character’s most essential gear * Detailed life path character creation system * Morph Creation Rules * New traits & ware