Explore The Iron Hive, an extremely densely populated and largely lawless space station. A place where criminals, bounty hunters, and residents collide. From the forgotten mines to The Jade Market, they all have things to do and stories to tell!
Indiana Jones meets Stargate in this desert delve to uncover ancient alien secrets before they're lost forever beneath shifting sands. Includes a smuggler's toolkit for continued adventures in the desert and across the Outer Rim.
Not Enough Scoundrels is a 32pg zine of space truckers, shady smugglers, crooked spacecops, black marketeers, and the spaceships they live & die by. Do Crime. Get Paid or Die Broke. For Mothership the Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
An experimental Military-grade pharmaceutical known as PK49 has leaked onto the black market. It is rumored to unlock powerful psychokinetic abilities fueling a race against the clock as street gangs and military factions fight to control the supply.
OMENDROME is a zine supplement for MOTHERSHIP 1E and ARKYVR containing 10 filmmaker centered mini-adventures! Players take on the role of mercenary film documentarians trying to capture morally defying content for a questionable patron.
"Operation Golden Cut" is a sci-fi horror adventure for Mothership RPG. Navigate a war-torn mining moon, steal valuable cache of gold amidst brutal corporate conflict, and survive the horrors of human greed and warfare.
Work for Arrow Biomed performing extrajudicial abductions of privileged addicts on their behalf of wealthy benefactors. Kick down the door and drag your target out of whatever drug den they’ve ended up in. For a hefty price, that is.
A missing scientist. An art deco pharmaceutical conference centre, now used for... other things. Massive bounties. Zero chance things will go wrong. (3 truths 1 lie.)
Deputised with the full legal powers of Janus Corp, the Crewmembers must identify a rogue scientist leaking data off-colony. The only problem: everyone on the station is an exact clone of the same man.
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
An enormous retail adventure generator for inclusion in sandbox campaigns within the city of Troika. Get a job! Meet the locals! Don't die!
Set your hearts ablaze. Learn to make romance in your tabletop games accessible, fun, and easy for everyone at the table. Including 🔧mechanics,🖋️how-to essays,🎲tables, &🎨art created by leading designers in the field.
Experience fantascience roleplaying at the end of time. Escape the end of history. The eternal civilization is perfect. So say the gods, the machines. Will you defy the endless circle of awakening and forgetting? Can you kick a hole through the sky?
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
Game prep just got easier, and game night just got a whole lot more fun. Get 22 drop-in dungeons with dynamic combat encounters for 5e!