Heresylab - "Grim" Citizens of the Old World I Resin and STL
Heresylab new range of Citizens miniatures. This is an alternative line to our Citizens. Models will be supplied resin and digital.
Heresylab - Greater God 2.0 resin miniatures and STL files
A line of digital and resin miniatures for Scifi wargames
Heresylab & Axia - Citizens of the Old World 5.0
Back from the grave! Amazing Miniatures for your Tabletop Games. Physical models and STL files
Heresylab - Chibi Animal Adenturers digital STL and resin
A line of 72 chibi models for colelctors, to print or use in your D&D games as characters.
Heresylab - Heresy Maidens 2.0 - 3D digital STL and resin
A set of futuristic female characters for various wargame systems, or just to paint and display. Available in STL or resin
Heresylab - Pin-up Heresy Girls - Sci-Fi resin and digital
Heresy Pin-Up Girls is a new set of 28mm heroic scale models supplied both in digital and resin format.
Heresylab - Heresygirl 3.5 - Scifi Female models -
We are launching this campaign to fund a re assortment of our best seller models. Funding will give you great deals on our best sellers
Heresylab - 28mm Male Heads & Helmets Conversion Bits 100+
Heresylab - 28mm Male Heads & Helmets Conversion Bits 100+ heads to choose from.
Heresylab - 28mm Female Heads & Helmets Conversion Bits
Heresylab - Female Heads & Helmets Collection - digital and resin available. Over 100 unique female heads to convert your army.
Heresylab Amber Husaria Fantasy Football Team Resin and STL
Husaria Fantasy Football Team 15 resin and PRESUPPORTED STL high quality miniatures
Heresylab, Amber Husaria Fantasy Football Team resin and STL
Husaria Fantasy Football Team 16 resin and PRESUPPORTED digital high quality miniatures
Heresylab - Black Mountain Clan
Black Mountain Clan - 28mm resin and STL miniatures
HeresyLab - Heresy Girl 3.0 - Dark Faction Girls
Heresylab - Heresy Girls 3.0 - The Dark Faction Resin Miniatures and STL files
HeresyLab•Heresy Girls 3.0•Beyond Good & Evil Resin & STL
Heresy Girls 3.0 Beyond Good & Evil
Heresylab - Witchfire & Sword - resin and digital files
Heresylab - Witchfire & Sword - resin and digital files
Heresylab - Greater God 28mm resin miniatures and STL files
Greater Gods is a Heresylab new line of miniatures in 28mm size. Both in resin or STL format.
HeresyLab - Miniature Printable files - STL format 2.0
Heresylab - 3D printable file collection
Talon Mecha HK1 Heavy Armor Paladin resin and STL Heresylab
5 sets of highly detailed resin miniatures
Citizens: Faith and Honor by HeresyLab 28mm Resin Miniatures
A set of new highly detailed miniatures to expand our current range of fantasy models. It's time to add some warriors on your table top
HeresyLab - Miniature Printable files - STL format
HeresyLab - Miniature Printable files in STL format only digital.
The Hades Legion 28mm heroic resin miniatures by HeresyLab
The Hades Legion 28mm heroic resin miniatures by HeresyLab - Miniatures, bikes, tanks and support weapon platforms plus many bits
The Hades Legion -28mm heroic resin miniatures by HeresyLab
The Hades Legion 28mm heroic resin miniatures by HeresyLab
Rage Lords 54mm Female Quality Resin Miniatures by HeresyLab
Rage Lords 54mm Female Quality Resin Miniatures by HeresyLab
Citizen of the Old World 1.2 - 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures
Heresylab is pleased to add new models to the original High quality 28 and 40mm resin and STL models.
HeresyLab - Redemeers Fantasy / Scifi Resin Miniatures & STL
The Redeemers a set of Post Apocalyptic miniatures in 28mm Heroic Scale for table top games and 3D printing.
Inquisitors - Miniatures in 28mm Heroic Scale - Resin & STL
Inquisitors resin and digital miniatures in 28mm heroic scale
HeresyLab - Lord of Deliverance - 60mm resin and STL
Lord of Deliverance is a high quality resin model in 60mm scale.Available both in digital and resin format.
"Citizens of the Old World" - Resin and STL by HeresyLab
A set of grotesque higly detailed Heroic 28mm resin miniatures. And STL file for 3D printing
Vacant Realms - Steam Punk VS Dark ELves - Miniatures & STL
28mm Fantasy - Steam Punks vs. Dark Elfes Miniatures
Fantasy Towers in STL format for 3D printing
A set of Fantasy Towers in STL format for 3D printing.
3D Printable Charming Adventurers Chibi Style D&D charaters
Charming Vault STL printable files for D&D inspired animal adventurers.
HeresyLab - Heresy Girls 2.0 resin Scifi miniatures & STL
Heresy Girls 2.0 - After the first successful KS they are coming back meaner and more dangerous than before.
HeresyLab - Chrono Titan resin model and STL files
HeresyLab - Chrono Titan resin model and STL files for 3d printing
Heresylab - Hyperion Titan STL files for 3D printing
HeresyLab - Hyperion Titan - A set of STL files to print this master Titan model.
Heresylab - Scifi Heresy Girls - Miniature Set 1.2
Heresylab - Scifi Heresy Girls - Miniature Set 1.2 A quick relaunch
HeresyLab - The Sauberung Punisher Squad Miniatures and STL
HeresyLab - The Sauberung Punisher Squad Resin Miniatures and STL files for 3D printing.
HeresyLab - The Heresy Train Project - Printable STL files
HeresyLab - The campaign is to release the STL files of his Heresy Train, due to the high demand we are releasing STL files.
Heresylab - Sci-Fi 3D printable Heresy Tanks
Heresy Tannks 1.0 - The first line of tanks created by Heresy Lab - This will be only STL printable files.
Heresylab - Scifi Heresy Girls - Miniature Set
Creating the finest 32mm resin war-gamin miniatures available. Our models make a great addition to your tabletop army or gaming system.