We have 10 days to the end of the campaign and we really appreciate all of your help and support so far! Almost 7’000 cans have been backed and 7 freebies added to your favorite games or fridges!
Soda Pop Survey
We would love to know from you what you think about this collection and the overall campaign experience. By answering this quick 3 minutes survey you will be helping immensely!
Be sure to leave your name and email address at the end of the survey to participate in a special add-on drawing! 10 winners will be able to pick one of these add-ons for free. Thank you for your time! We will be announcing the winners on March 13th, 2023 in an update.
Soda Pop Live Streams
During the campaign, we have planned many live streams shows for you to see live, or afterward by clicking on the corresponding stream.
You can quickly visit the live stream section by clicking the button below and see some awesome Soda Pop gameplay sessions in action!
Backer Freebies
These 7 freebies were unlocked and there are a few more to be discovered!