ZEG Media
2 months ago

Project Update: Eve of Christmas Eve Update

First off let me say, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy Holidays to those who don't, and Merry Monday to whomever is left over.

To say it has been a helluva a year for me would be to understate it.

Clearly we do not have the no-art laid out version here. I could make excuses, I could do a dance, but that would be sharing private information from members of the team that is not my place to share.

We missed our very loose target date, and for that we are sorry.

The game, of course is still playable as is, it just doesn't look as sexy as it should, yet.

We will get there, do not worry. It just may take longer than expected or predicted due to things that are literally beyond my control.

That said you will continue to get monthy updates, like the one attached here, until the end of the project, with the last one being sent out when we are ready to start the print process, et al.

In this version you will see the Zenith Universe chapter has been removed, and made it's own document. There is a very simple reason for that, most folks just want to use the game and not the setting, so I decided it would be better for everyone to have the book of rules, a setting guide, and the adventure/npc book (including all of the ICON level creations). Some will agree, some will not, but hopefully you'll all enjoy the final product.

Without and further ado, attached you will find this month's updates, I hope 2024 ends well for you and your family, and that 2025 brings us all the success and joy we deserve.

It's been a helluva year!

Andrew Collas

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