Jordan Miller
5 months ago

Project Update: May 2024 - Pledge Manager Launching

Hi There

It's here, this is the update you've been waiting for. We want to thank everyone again for sticking with us, it's been a tough couple of years but things are finally moving. In this update we're going to hit you with a lot of things. Some life updates, we'll talk about the pledge manager, and finally, an update on the current production timeline.

Life Updates

As you may or many not know, two of our partners had major traumas during this campaign.  Adam, our CEO, and Rob, our Head of Development, both lost their homes to house fires nearly 2 years ago.  We're happy to let you all know that this last month both of them are finally now back in their rebuilt homes and out of temporary housing.  It's been a hard journey for both of them, which has had a profound effect on XYZ that we were not prepared for.

Good news here is: They're back and their lives are now returning to whatever normal is for them. We're so grateful.

Pledge Manager and Exciting News!

As of the publishing of this update, the pledge manager is ready to go, we are just going through the final review and smoke testing before our pledge manager is approved.  Please bear with us for a couple days while we complete the review.

ArchRavels now has sleeves!  

We've partnered with the wonderful folks at Game Trayz to offer some of their products directly in the AR: Magic Socks - Pledge Manager. We're starting with a full set of sleeves, this bundle will contain every sleeve you need to protect your ArchRavels Cards. That's Right! Just one set of sleeves will cover you even if you own everything ArchRavels.  We're also providing organization trays to store all your bits while you play. This initial offering is just the first step in what we are sure will be an exciting partnership going forward. You can expect many more awesome things from XYZ & Game Trayz in the future!

Production and New Timelines

In a previous production update we laid out that we would be producing and shipping things in two batches: Magic Socks & Theme Packs first, then Rivals + Awards Season. That plan is not changing.

So, we proceeded with that plan in mind! This meant doing the final passes on Magic Socks/Theme Packs for production submission while we were also finishing up the development & layout for RIVALS/Awards Season.

To be perfectly honest: We underestimated the time & effort that we would need to put into both of these tasks given our currently available staff. Due to the aforementioned life events and the fact that XYZ is, and always has been, 6 passionate people dedicating their time to Invent New Gamers; our personal lives have a huge impact on our organization. We are sorry things have been delayed, we are doing what we can to get things moving smoothly again.
Here's what's happening now:  We're still planning on delivering in two batches.  But, we've shifted focus to preparing the first batch & getting it into production.  As of now Magic Socks and all the Theme Packs have been prepared and sent to the printer. We've begun the production proofing process.  We're now targeting Gen Con 2024 as the wide release date of Magic Socks and the Theme Packs.

With the uncertainty of the supply chain and international shipping, as of this moment we cannot promise that the games will be in our hands before we leave for Gen Con, we however can promise this:

"We will not offer Magic Socks for Sale at Gen Con until pledges are shipped and on their way to backers.  If we do have Magic Socks in hand at Gen Con, any backers who attend Gen Con will be able to pick up their pledges from us in person."

One more time, we will not be offering Magic Socks for sale at Gen Con if backers pledges have not shipped. We'll have more information in the months leading up to Gen Con if it seems we'll be able to offer Gen Con pickup. And if so, then we'll establish a process for people to sign up at that time.

Here's some updated Production Status Graphics.

So What's Next?

Over the next few weeks we will begin the proofing and mass production phase with Whatz Games, our manufacturer. We'll share content along the way.

So that's it for now, we will be posting another update as soon as we have confirmation from Backerkit that the pledge manager is approved, at that time surveys will go out.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Stay Crafty

Team XYZ

user avatar image for Jordan Miller




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