Jurassic Park meets Reality TV in the Mothership RPG
Cretaceous Moon: A Pamphlet Module for Mothership RPG

Cretaceous Moon: A Pamphlet Module for Mothership RPG

Jurassic Park meets Reality TV. Your crew crashes on a moon-sized zoo of genetic engineers—can you escape?
$840 🎉
of $200
Project Ended
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A mid-hyperspace calamity spits the crew's escape shuttle out at the nearest biosphere: Cretaceous Moon, a worldwide zoo of genetically-engineered dinosaurs. Drones and hoverships allowed (ultra rich) guests to view the beasts in their natural habitat. Kryoten Corp abandoned the moon a year ago after a disastrous earthquake destroyed their cheap security parameters. But what's better than a world of dinosaurs? A reality TV show about dinosaurs—hunting humans! Kryoten's drones film the survivors' struggle and their leftover droids guard all means of escaping the surface. Who will live? Who will die? Find out next time on Cretaceous Moon!

Cretaceous Moon is a pamphlet adventure for Mothership RPG. A love letter to Jurassic Park, this horror pits your players against the very follies of scientists more concerned with if they could than if they should. Featuring raptors, murderous robots, a quetzalcoatlus, and—of course—the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex, Cretaceous Moon will teach your players that Jurassic Park is no fun, family romp, but a sci-fi horror. 

You can slot this module into any campaign, so long as you're willing to destroy whatever ship your players are on. But don't worry—get the Kryoten shareholder offworld and he promises enough credits to buy a new and better ship to ply the stars.   

Cretaceous Moon is available digitally and in print:

  • PDF ($3): Available in Color and Black & White for printing at home. 
  • PDF + Print ($5): Shipping only in the United States, backers of the $5 Tier will receive both the PDF and Pamphlet in print. Shipping will be collected later, through the Pledge Manager. 


Stretch Goals are rather limited to a pamphlet module, so our one and only stretch goal will be a jingle for Cretaceous Moon to torment your players with and attract carnivores in-game. Unlocked after 50 Social Shares via Facebook, this jingle will be available for all backers and packaged with the digital files. Featured at least thrice in the module, the jingle is blared purposely blared out by Kryoten Drones in the adventure. By sharing this project, you're directly contributing to its success. 

Pamphlets ship only to the United States, and shipping fees are not included as part of your pledge. Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign using the Pledge Manager. Digital Files will be distributed by DrivethruRPG.com.


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