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Audiobook of Savage Worlds Deadlands Blood Drive
$185 purchasedThis twisted tale takes a posse of hard-riding drovers and their Texas Longhorns from the rolling hills of Texas through swollen streams in Colorado, the mountain passes of New Mexico, the haunted prairies of Wyoming, and more! The weirdness escalates along the way, slowly exposing our heroes to the true horrors of the Weird West. So saddle up, partners, and join us on a Blood Drive! Blood Drive requires the Deadlands: The Weird West core book and the Savage Worlds core rules to play. Blood Drive audiobook narrated by Jack Murphy.Edit -
Audiobook of Savage Worlds Deadlands Coffin Rock
$59 purchasedCoffin Rock- An adventure scenario for Deadlands. A Town Sliding into Hell! The mining town of Coffin Rock, Colorado, is a seething cauldron of trouble. The local soiled doves are a making a killing, some say ghosts walk the streets, and a mad serial killer is on the loose. And there's more, amigo! Lots more. A group of outlaws have hatched a vengeful scheme to get even with the locals, a new preacher is stirring up trouble, and a mysterious shaman foretells dark tidings from the nearby hills. All that stands between the town and more chaos than a twister in Kansas are a posse of strangers still dusty from the trail. Polish up your six-guns, dust off your Hoyle's, Fire up that flamethrower, and get ready for more Weird Western action than you can shake a tomahawk at! Coffin Rock, better hope it doesn't put you in the ground! Coffin Rock is a rootin' tootin' Savage Tale for the award-winning Deadlands RPG.Edit -
Audiobook of Savage Worlds Holler
$237 purchasedHoller is a roleplaying game of adventure, rebellion, fairy tale, and gothic horror in Appalachia. In Holler, the mysterious “Big Boys” own the mines, mills, and logging operations. They rule over every aspect of their workers’ lives—subjecting them to extraordinary dangers on the job and crushing oppression outside of it. The Big Boys have transformed the land of the Holler—rivers bubble with strange chemicals, strip-mined mountains crumble into valleys, and the air is choked with a toxic fog known as the Blight. The flora and fauna of the Holler grow more monstrous by the day. Demons of every description lurk in the forests. Mutant cryptids haunt villages with their strange cries and appetites. Vengeful haints leer from abandoned shacks and lonely cliffs. No one is coming to save the people of Holler. They’ve got to take matters into their own hard-worked hands. It’ll take miners, granny women, gougers, moonshiners, bluegrass pickers, and holy rollers willing to fight and die to protect their culture, customs, and families. Folks who have the bravery to stare straight into the abyss and spit in its eye. The goal of the resistance is to build a coalition, to bring together diverse factions—humble workers, roustabouts, mountain men, dirt track racers, cultists, and even strange creatures of myth and legend to raze the works of the Big Boys and drive them from the Holler forever. Holler draws deeply on Appalachian history, mythic folklore, and culture to create a dark fantasy world of apocalypse and vengeance set in gothic locales such as Corn Cob Gap, Cussfoot Fens, Ghost Ridge Mountains, Great Craggy Mountains, Faefall, Hogback Hills, Piney Dirge Plateau, Sootstone Mountains, and the Stygian Mountains. It contains new Edges & Hindrances, new Arcane Backgrounds, rules for the ever-present Blight, a passel of strange critters including the Mothman, the Sheepsquatch, and the nefarious Big Boys themselves, dozens of locations such as Mount Everlasting, Devil’s Den, and Fairy Flats, a fully-fleshed out Adventure Generator, AND a wild ride of a Plot Point Campaign called Blasted Beauty. This setting requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules to play. Holler audiobook narrated by Michael Quinlan.Edit -
Audiobook of Savage Worlds Holler Savior of Hollow Oak
$35 purchased“The Savior of Hollow Oak” by Tracy Sizemore runs the gamut from stories of watery haints, to gritty mystery, to heartfelt heroism. Each offers a glimpse into the tough but passionate world of Holler along with introductions to a few of its most dangerous, and endearing residents.Edit -
Audiobook of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Core Rules
$1810 purchasedSavage Worlds Adventure Edition is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing settings like Deadlands, Rippers or 50 Fathoms. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the Game Master. If you’re looking for a game that’s fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you! Savage Worlds handles pulp action, gritty noir, supers, hard scifi, space opera, horror, and anything you can imagine! Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the latest version of Savage Worlds. Savage Worlds Adventure Edition audiobook narrated by Michelle MosleyEdit -