Surveys Lock Next Thursday I just wanted to let yall know that surveys close on the 13/14th. I will be locking and charging everyone’s order then!
Starry Kitsune Plushie Exceptions being if you added a starry Kitsune plushie. We are 8 away from it funding, but I’m currently trying to get a finalized quote for it and I may be able to decrease the total needed to whatever the exact manufacturing costs will be.
Random B-grades Random B-grade pins were added to the survey for $9 ($6 off), if I already locked your survey to charge it and you want one please email me <3 ([email protected]). I will do my best to not give you duplicates of pins you already ordered but I’m at the mercy of what ends up arriving as a b grade! (So you may get a dupe)
Helluva Portrait Pt. 2 For those of you interested, I’m planning to do a part 2 of the helluva portrait pins on Kickstarter either end of April/beginning of May before Media Monsters. The campaign was originally scheduled for November but pintopia’s date jump scared us lol. I will be doing a cross collab pin with Wayward Enigma for that! (Wayward is the one who did the dnd ducks in Pintopia)
Conventions + Moving Also I’ll be at Naka-Kan (Kansas), C2E2 (Chicago), and SakuraCon (Seattle) this month and next month, feel free to come say hi! I will absolutely be lifeless as I’m also trying to find an apartment and may have already, or be imminently planning to move cross country during that time lol. I may miss messages due to the moving and travel chaos please feel free to follow up with me.
Desperately trying to finish this piece in 2 days for a stamp rally