-Use the template below. -Our Goal is for them to write articles about the project! If even one organization does... then we will find a fountain style pen, compatable with the Travelbooks. YAY! That would be SO EPIC. Both organizations covered our last project and it was SO helpful. -Please add your own flair to the email! The more differentiation in our attempts, the more effective and personal they will be. :)
I think your audience would really appreciate this idea. Would your incredible team PLEASE consider writing an article about this project? It would mean the world to our community!
Thank you so much
-Please make a thoughtful comment & tag 3 friends on each of the below links! If you do not have these platforms post or share our project on the ones you do! :) If we get atleast 200 comments on each link we will release the Stationery Items for Add-on.