That's right, time's almost up – if you haven't updated your pledge to get all the pins you want, OR haven't also pledged to Proud to the Bone 2 to get 2 free pins, now is your last chance!
Alright, Cam, what's next?
Because you guys are super cool amazing awesome people and funded this pin campaign, once Pintopia 2 ends, you can expect the following:
Surveys: If you've backed a Kickstarter or Backerkit campaign before, you're probably familiar with this process – once the campaign closes, I'm going to build a survey that will be sent to everyone who backed at a physical reward tier. That survey is where you will pick out the pin(s) you want, purchase any available add-ons, and pay for shipping. PLEASE be sure you are checking the email associated with your BackerKit account REGULARLY.
Pin production: Once all the surveys are completed, I'll be sending my pin order to my manufacturer! Typically it takes 1.5-2 months to get pins back because they're so mindful of the details, but I'll be keeping you posted throughout!
A Donation Update
This is a bit of a serious one, gang.
As you may recall, when I started this campaign, I mentioned that any tip jar proceeds or non-physical tier donations would be going to Friends & Vets Helping Pets, a nonprofit assisting financially-limited pet parents with extraordinary expenses needed to save a pet’s life.
However, since that announcement, one of Warden's kitty cat friends has become a pet who will soon require those extraordinary expenses. In the name of mutual aid, Warden and I would like to donate your donations to him instead.
This is Smarty. The day Warden came into my life, Smarty and his feline brother, as well as his humans (two of my dear friends) were the first to meet him. Smarty and Warden spent almost 20 straight minutes blinking at each other and sniffing gently at one another, and Warden still recognizes pictures of him as His Friend.
Smarty is the gentlest, sweetest little man with a raspy lil meow and a hatred of phones (if you are on a phone, you are not hanging out with him, and that is unacceptable). He is also staring down the barrel of a diagnosis of either cancer or polycythemia vera, a marrow disorder. Either way, this will need to be managed with chemotherapy – and, like for humans, chemo for cats is incredibly expensive.
His parents are scared for their little boy, and incredibly worried that finances are going to be the barrier to saving their cat's life.
He has an ultrasound on Monday to further the diagnostic process, and his parents are committed to doing everything they can for him – but they are so scared that the financial element of treatment will stand in the way of that commitment. Warden and I would like to alleviate that burden in whatever way I can.
TLDR; Your donations will still go toward assisting financially-limited pet parents with extraordinary expenses needed to save a pet’s life – they're going to go directly, mutual-aid style, to a pet and his family in immediate need.
Thank you as always for your love and support, and thank you for making this Pintopia 2 experience SO incredible!!