Wayward Studios
9 months ago

Project Update: Not even a week in...

And we're at 450% funded!!! Holy Hiverannos, Batman!!! We figured folks might cotton to our happy li'l pile o' papers, but not in these kinds of numbers! Yee-freaking-HAW!!!

Thank you all so, so much. Thank you especially to the Goodman Games crew and to the great Dark Marshal himself, David Baity--without whom none of us would have this spectacular game to play. We can't begin to tell you what fantastic folks these people are, so just take our word for it: they are beyond aces.

So, here's the deal: all 8 of the zines are complete and ready to go. Done. Finito. They're written, the art (including covers by the inestimable Chris Torres) is drawn, the books are laid out and ready to print. Once we're done with the Backerkit run next month, we'll be off to the printer to get your books to you.

But hey--the more, the merrier! We're in the black on this project, which means we can get a jump start on some other schemes we've been kicking around at Wayward Studios...like some more zines, and even a Weird Frontiers module or two!

And our super-awesome (we think), super huge but for now, super-secret project we'll be kicking around later this year...

So please--if you know anyone who might be interested in some pure Weird Frontiery finery, let them know about us, because word of mouth is the best kind of word there is!

Andy, Eric, Randy and Mark (the Wayward Studios boys)




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