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From Out of Gnollwhere - PDF only
$80 purchased"From Out of Gnollwhere" is a Dungeon Crawl Classics-compatible adventure for four to six 2nd level characters. The first of a three-part arc, book one invites the characters to investigate horrifying and militaristic assaults from the normally chaotic and disjointed gnolls of the wilds beyond the placid town of Rurayne’s Crossing.Edit -
From Out of Gnollwhere - Physical copy + PDF
$152 purchased"From Out of Gnollwhere" is a Dungeon Crawl Classics-compatible adventure for four to six 2nd level characters. The first of a three-part arc, book one invites the characters to investigate horrifying and militaristic assaults from the normally chaotic and disjointed gnolls of the wilds beyond the placid town of Rurayne’s Crossing.Edit -
From Out of Gnollwhere Book 2: Gnolledge is Power - PDF only
$80 purchasedFrom Out of Gnollwhere 2: Gnolledge is Power is the second of a three-part adventure arc exploring the rise of a mysterious and well-organized gnoll cult within the ancient wood of the Auld, and their quest to welcome their Dark God Ar’Traxxis into the realm thereby triggering an apocalypse. It is designed for 4-6 Level 3 characters. In Book 2, the PCs are summoned into the Auld by the Wood Warden child who’d placed a Geas upon them in Book 1; the elven guard who’d taken custody of her at the first volume’s close has been slaughtered and the child captured by a group of gnoll cultists. The Auld has been thrown into the chaos of war among the Ar’Traxxis Cult, the native wood elves, and a savage new contingent of feral elves aligned only to their own violent urges.Edit -
From Out of Gnollwhere Book 2: Gnolledge is Power - Physical copy + PDF
$152 purchasedFrom Out of Gnollwhere 2: Gnolledge is Power is the second of a three-part adventure arc exploring the rise of a mysterious and well-organized gnoll cult within the ancient wood of the Auld, and their quest to welcome their Dark God Ar’Traxxis into the realm thereby triggering an apocalypse. It is designed for 4-6 Level 3 characters. In Book 2, the PCs are summoned into the Auld by the Wood Warden child who’d placed a Geas upon them in Book 1; the elven guard who’d taken custody of her at the first volume’s close has been slaughtered and the child captured by a group of gnoll cultists. The Auld has been thrown into the chaos of war among the Ar’Traxxis Cult, the native wood elves, and a savage new contingent of feral elves aligned only to their own violent urges.Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Gunslingers: Shooter's Bonanza
$80 purchasedGunslingers: Shooter’s Bonanza, we’ve got a plethora of uncanny shots, trail companion (horse and dog) tricks and hats of extraordinary impact.Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Luchadores: Glory Abounds!
$80 purchasedLuchadores: Glory Abounds! offers new spirit mask powers, expanded signature moves, a new optional rule (the Lucha Grapple Showdown!) and a host of legendary Lucha heroes and heels–each with their own Legendary Signature Move!Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Mystic Monks: Fists of Fury!
$80 purchasedMystic Monks: Fists of Fury! you’ll find Deadly Secrets of the Mystic Monks–a pile o’ new martial arts maneuvers for the monk to spend their Chi die on. And if these aren’t enough to sate you, we’ve got a whole pile o’ enchanted items for the monkly types, just in from the Far East!Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Revelator: Oh Holy Day!
$80 purchasedRevelator: Oh Holy Day! there’s enough new Miracles to bring to the Light even the most powerful force of Darkness. And for them needin’ that extra li’l hitch in their giddyup, Virtuous Vestments & Blessed Booty is chock full o’ saintly bits, bobs and even a wafer or two.Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Tales from the Trail
$80 purchasedTales From the Trail offers a bevy of short, one-shot style scenarios a Judge can drop in to any ongoing Weird Frontiers campaign. Work chew up too much of your time and you didn’t get your prep done? Need an extra hour or two for the weekend’s session? Or just want to add some variety to your tale? Here’s your resource!Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Sharpshooter: Death from a Distance
$50 purchasedAnnie Oakley, Pawnee Bill, The Fabulous Tapperweins, and Matthew Quigley are a couple names that come to mind when you think of the great sharpshooters of the West. Specializing in making amazing shots from great distances, the sharpshooter often found work guarding stagecoaches, defending towns, or stunning crowds with their seemingly impossible acts of accuracy. Following the Seven Days of Night, there were many spirits who escaped to our world, seeking justice for their violent deaths. Many of these vengeance spirits attached themselves to shooting irons and selected Gunslingers to be their vehicle of justice. However, some of these spirits pick a champion and infuse them with unnatural perceptions. The Sharpshooter, gifted with these abilities, roams the west, fighting evil and thrilling the masses.Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Hiveranno: Hill People
$50 purchasedHunter, trapper, Mountain Folk. You prefer the solitude of the wild over living among civilized folk. You’ve learned to survive off the land, taking only what you need to survive. Occasionally, you’ll trade with others; furs and meat for ammunition and whiskey. Following the Seven Days of Night, your connection to the Land became much more intense. Your senses have become more acute and you can draw strength from the Land itself. Your new found gifts come at a cost, though. The more connected you become to the Land, the more your body adapts to the more feral needs. While sharing some similarities to their cousins, the Hellbillies, Hiveranno draw power from the land and animals around them, not from any fey ancestry. These two groups have been known to harbor long-standing feuds, moreso since the passing of the Seven Days of Night.Edit -
Wayward Gazette - Cheveyo: Spirit Warrior
$50 purchasedYou’ve always felt as if you had a guardian spirit or angel watching over you. Somehow, you managed to get out of scrapes you had no business coming away from unscathed. Some people said you were lucky, but you knew it was more than that. You could sense something guiding and protecting you. Following the Seven Days of Night, your eyes were opened to the Spirit world. Now you know you are being watched over, because you can see and speak to your guardian. The Cheveyo draws power from a spiritual guardian. While the term “Cheveyo” means Spirit Warrior from the Hopi tribe of the indigenous people, A Cheveyo does not need to be from that culture. The spirit guardian could be a bear spirit, an angel, or a creature of any mythological origin.Edit -
The Wayward Gazette Bundle - all 5 core Gazettes + all 3 New Class Gazettes!
$481 purchasedAll 5 core Gazettes + all 3 New Class Gazettes! Includes: Gunslingers: Shooter’s Bonanza, we’ve got a plethora of uncanny shots, trail companion (horse and dog) tricks and hats of extraordinary impact! Luchadores: Glory Abounds! offers new spirit mask powers, expanded signature moves, a new optional rule (the Lucha Grapple Showdown!) and a host of legendary Lucha heroes and heels–each with their own Legendary Signature Move! Mystic Monks: Fists of Fury! you’ll find Deadly Secrets of the Mystic Monks–a pile o’ new martial arts maneuvers for the monk to spend their Chi die on. And if these aren’t enough to sate you, we’ve got a whole pile o’ enchanted items for the monkly types, just in from the Far East! Revelator: Oh Holy Day! there’s enough new Miracles to bring to the Light even the most powerful force of Darkness. And for them needin’ that extra li’l hitch in their giddyup, Virtuous Vestments & Blessed Booty is chock full o’ saintly bits, bobs and even a wafer or two. Tales From the Trail offers a bevy of short, one-shot style scenarios a Judge can drop in to any ongoing Weird Frontiers campaign. Work chew up too much of your time and you didn’t get your prep done? Need an extra hour or two for the weekend’s session? Or just want to add some variety to your tale? Here’s your resource! Sharpshooter: Death from a Distance - Following the Seven Days of Night, there were many spirits who escaped to our world, seeking justice for their violent deaths. Many of these vengeance spirits attached themselves to shooting irons and selected Gunslingers to be their vehicle of justice. However, some of these spirits pick a champion and infuse them with unnatural perceptions. The Sharpshooter, gifted with these abilities, roams the west, fighting evil and thrilling the masses. Hiverenno: Mountain Folk - Hunter, trapper, Mountain Folk. You prefer the solitude of the wild over living among civilized folk. You’ve learned to survive off the land, taking only what you need to survive. Occasionally, you’ll trade with others; furs and meat for ammunition and whiskey. Following the Seven Days of Night, your connection to the Land became much more intense. Your senses have become more acute and you can draw strength from the Land itself. Your new found gifts come at a cost, though. The more connected you become to the Land, the more your body adapts to the more feral needs. Cheveyo: Spirit Warrior - You’ve always felt as if you had a guardian spirit or angel watching over you. Somehow, you managed to get out of scrapes you had no business coming away from unscathed. Some people said you were lucky, but you knew it was more than that. You could sense something guiding and protecting you. Following the Seven Days of Night, your eyes were opened to the Spirit world. Now you know you are being watched over, because you can see and speak to your guardian.Edit