Dungeon and Ducks - An Enamel Pin Adventure Flock Party!

Dungeon and Ducks - An Enamel Pin Adventure Flock Party!

Gather the flock in this fun TTRPG (Tabletop Role Playing Game) Inspired enamel pin collection! Make a flock of the most popular classes such as Duckbarian, Rogue, Wizard and more!
$10,131 πŸŽ‰
of $300
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Pintopia 2025

This project is part of Pintopia 2025, which runs from January 23rd - February 13th 2025. Learn more β†’


❓What is Backerkit❓

Backerkit is a crowdfunding platform similar to Kickstarter and Indigogo. It is a way for you, to help an artist, creator, inventor, or dreamer bring a project to life. Many projects are held back due to the up-front cost such as manufacturing, and crowdfunding is a way to help fund those costs. Without amazing people like you, projects like this and many others would never be brought to life!

πŸ’²How Does Payment Work?πŸ’² 

Backerkick works on a pledge now, pay later basis. If the project fails to become fully funded for the initial goal, then you are not charged for it. If the campaign hits its goal, then you will be charged after its conclusion for your initial pledge and add-ons, during the survey you will be charged shipping. Until the campaign ends you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your pledge. 

πŸ’Ž How Do I Pick My Rewards? πŸ’Ž

Once the campaign concludes, and if it is fully funded, then surveys will be sent out. During these surveys, you will be able to make final add-ons and select your pins and other pledged rewards. Surveys are also important because they supply me with your shipping details. No information collected will be distributed outside of it's sole use to make sure your rewards make it to you.

πŸ“¦ Why am I being charged again in the survey? πŸ“¦

The survey is both where additional cost of add-ons as well as shipping are calculated. You are not being charged for your pledge again, but are paying for any added items and the cost of shipping. If your payment failed during the first round of collections, you can also resolve that payment problem during the survey too. 

The project is meant to bring to life a line or products designed by me. This collection is made from my love of TTRPGs, especially Dungeons and Dragons. With the beloved franchise celebrating 50 amazing years, it seemed like the perfect time to launch this project. This specific line has always been a dream of mine to make into pin form! 

If the initial duck is unlocked, other ducks will be added as stretch goals! If all the duck are unlocked, I may hold polls to see which classes from other tabletop roleplaying games we should bring to life next. An example would be Alchemist from Pathfinder, or other expanded rewards such as color variations for popular classes like Wizard!

The ducks are designed to have a base of 2 Inches, and are taller to accommodate things such as helmets. They are designed so one does not look strangely sized compared to the others. They are all black nickel plating and made of iron.

The Magnetic Accessories are approximately 0.75 inches tall to accommodate the magnetic backings and can be used on the pins. All magnetic accessories can be attached to all ducks.



Shipping Estimate Graphic. Shipping Cost Estimated between $5-$70 based on weight and location.

❗Please make sure you provide an accurate shipping address on the survey! Packages that return to me as 'failed to deliver' due to address errors will need their shipping repaid before being sent out again. If the error is on my part for any reason, postage does not need to be repaid.

❗For countries with VAT tax, it is paid for by the pledger, so please keep that in mind.

❗Due to a change in international shipping regulations I am unable to ship to the EU.

  • January 23rd:  Pintopia Starts!
  • February 13th: Pintopia ends, and Surveys\
  • End of February: Surveys Sent Out
  • March 15th: Surveys Due and Production Starts
  • Late March to June: Production and Manufacturing. If everything arrives sooner, fulfillment will start sooner. Extra time added here just in case.
  • July-August: Products Arrive, Fulfillment Finishes!

πŸ’– WELCOME TO PINTOPIA β€” a celebration of creativity and collaboration from a diverse group of over 175 creators collectively launching their pin and/or plushie project on BackerKit from January 23rd - February 13.

Be on the lookout for projects that have paired up to be Cross-Collab partners β€” this means that if you back BOTH projects in the pair (for a physical reward), you will get a limited FREE pin from EACH creator. The more pairs you support, the more FREE pins you earn ✨  

And for all you pin-collectors out there, we want to reward your achievements with a limited Gold Pintopia 2025 pin once you support 6 or more Cross-Collab pairs (this reward will be surveyed and shipped by the BackerKit team).

βš”οΈ 2 FREE Cross Collaborative Freebies for every cross-collab pair you back (one from each creator)
πŸ† 1 FREE Exclusive Gold Pintopia 2025 Pin if you back 10 participating projects or more

⭐️ PRO TIP: Get the MOST freebies by backing 5 Cross-Collab Pairs!

*See individual project pages for freebie unlock requirements
**To unlock the Trophy Pin, you must support each project for a physical item


Hello Everyone! I'm Dakota, the artist and creator behind Wayward Enigma Designs. This will be my second Pintopia campaign! Last year, I brought to life Dragons and Their Hoards! This year, I'm excited to crowdfund a campaugn I've dreamed of making for many years. When I'm not running my business I'm playing with my dog, watching anime, or playing dungeon and dragons with my friends. Or- I guess I could be losing in Mario Party too!

  • Instagram and Facebook - Keep up to date on my adventures, new projects, life, and other stuff.
  • Tiktok - follows the progress, triumphs and struggles as a new artist and business owner if you're interested in following my journey. 
  • Linktree - Helps keep all my links in one spot.
  • Ko-Fi - A place where I will soon open up commissions and other goodies. 
I have both My Shop and my Etsy to shop these and other products, art, and everything in between! Thank you


A celebration of my past works and achievements!


  • Dice Stickers and More - My first campaign ever! It was the starting point for my business, helping me get the supplies I needed to get started. I learned so much!
  • I did my first in-person show! 


  • Enchanted Potions - My first pin centered campaign! I brought to life 15 beautiful bottled potions with moths, butterflies and a wide variety of concepts and themes.
  • Dragons and Their Hoards (Pintopia 2024)- Pintopia 2024, my biggest campaign I ever had! I made 36 sets of enamel pins! That's one full size pin and one mini-pin!
  • Be Proud Campaign - My pride campaign where I made my biggest pins ever (3.5 Inch Moths). I really wanted to experiment with bigger pins, and some of my potions even got some pride colorations.
  • Cafe Chaos - A fun set of enamel pins where I was able to work with the amazing creator Carly K on a cafe themed collab!
  • Cosplay Kyus (Pintober 2024)- The Halloween event I not only was apart of, but I was one of the lead coordinators for!
  • Year of The Snake (Kickstarter Make 100) - My first time experimenting with danging enamel pins!
  • I made 1,000 Sales on Etsy!
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project