Coming Soon

Wuffy and the Magic Lintbaw

A stuffed dog’s adventures begin with a Magic lintball to help where he can.

Get yourself ready to pledge on launch day. Sign up to join BackerKit or Log In to check if you are ready.
Latest from the Creator
Helen Rogosin
3 months ago
What’s new with you?
Well, Wuffy and I survived our first live stream, even though the camera on the laptop was unusable…we quickly switched to the iPad, where images were reversed ( oops), but we did it.  If you are thinking about pledging but want book 2 or 3, we now have it as an add-on!  Let u...
Helen Rogosin
3 months ago
Launch Party today at NOON!
Hello, everyone! Just a reminder that we will be live-streaming today, November 11th, in honor of our campaign launch. Just tune in on Facebook on my page. Notification...