On Wednesday nights the team gets together and talks shop. Lore, pace, plans, commitments, challenges, how unimpressed Evan is with Disneyland's castle, and other things...secrets that you will have to wait a bit longer to know.
Evan draws the entire time. Last night he drew Becc & Ceith.
Good news! If you've already backed, then you will see the image below (below below, like below Sig and Sonk). If you have not, then once you do, it will be waiting for you in "updates" inside the campaign.
Soon, we intend to bring a second illustrator into these meetings. His name is Casey. He joined me on the Live Illustration last Friday where in a single hour, he crafted (below) Sig Scroffe and his Calling, the Boar, aka Sonk, aka Muzzleblades.