5 months ago

Project Update: Item Previews: Pins

Hello backers, please see the backers-only section below for some photos of the in-progress pins. 

Pin Manufacturing

Someone on Tumblr asked me about pin manufacturing a while back and you can read that post for some more details on the manufacturing process. As always leave a comment if you have questions.

Pride Angels Design Process

If you were curious about my design process for each of the designs I have some posts on Tumblr sharing my thoughts. I hope you find them interesting!

Blood and Holy Water WIPs

My next campaign after Pride Angels will be Blood and Holy Water, it will feature vampire and angel pins. It is expected to launch on Halloween! I have been working on the designs for it and thought I'd share some WIPs.

Backing Card

I finished the artwork for the backing card. I'm still working on the postcard but hope to share it soon.

If you are worried about either the backing cards or the postcard being too obvious and would prefer them omitted from your package, please contact Backerkit support requesting these be removed. They will forward your message to me and I will make a note to do so when packaging your order. 

That's all for this update, I'll be back once I have more to share.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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