2 months ago

Project Update: The Final Countdown and Last Goal

Hello angel and vampire enthusiasts, it's the final week of the campaign, which will be ending November 14 at 9PM PST. In advance of the campaign's end, make sure you have an accessible email associated with your Backerkit account. This is the email the Backerkit survey will be sent to, and you may miss out on the survey if you can’t access this email. Additionally, please double-check your payment information is correct and valid, to avoid an errored payment. 

If you miss the campaign, you can order the items from the Backerkit preorder store - though you will miss out on any pledge-specific freebies.

Shipping Rates

Please remember that shipping will be charged after the campaign as part of the survey. Here are the shipping rates. Again, please be aware that you will need to pay these on top of your pledge amount.
  • United States $5
  • Mexico $17
  • Canada $17
  • Australia $21
  • UK $20
  • All other countries $21

Last Stretch Goal

A big thank you to everyone who suggested an additional stretch goal in the previous update! The following pins will be funded if we reach $21K.

I was hoping to add a Bat Seraph redesign as well (you can find the old version with my stockists still, and below is the artwork), but unfortunately I've been too busy with Pride Angels fulfillment and haven't had a chance to draw. If you'd be interested in it please let me know in the comments or attached poll, if there's enough interest it'll be available as an addon in the survey.

Missing Sticker Designs

Speaking of the survey, I'm hoping to have the missing sticker designs done by the time it's sent out, so you all can see them and add them as addons. I'm anticipating the survey to be sent out November 28 but perhaps a few days later if I need more time for the sticker art.

Cross-Collab Freebies

Finally, don't forget to check out our partnered campaign, Sanguine Eminence. If you pledge to both campaigns you'll receive a pair of cross-collaboration freebie pins.

And if you're looking for even more pins, it's not too late to check out the rest of the Mementos Mori collection! If you pledge to all six campaigns you'll receive a set of freebie mini pins.

That’s all for this update. As always let me know in the comments if you have any questions. I’ll see you all at the finish line!
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