Tim Hutchings
3 months ago

Project Update: An update, a 10% off coupon. Things are going smoothly...

...maybe too smoothly.

So You've Met A Thousand Year Old Vampire got playtested at two cons over the last month and there were no surprises discovered. I intend to get the rules to an editor next week and get a pass back.

I'm still struggling to get the Prompts into proper shape. I know I'm overthinking it, but I'll ride this misery wave a little longer.

Honestly, I thought I'd be more done by now. I got too enmeshed in making illustrations, I think.

A sample of art. Have I shown this already?

Also, the game Five Hundred Year Old Vampire by Jason Cox is available over on my website. It's pricey, but here's a 10% off $100 or more coupon: https://thousandyearoldvampire.com/discount/IAmAshamedThatThisDiscountIsLiningUpWithBlackFriday

While you are there consider signing up for the regular newsletter at the bottom of the page. Folks seem to mostly like it.

High fives,
Tim H
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