Project Update: Remember when I said...
I just also learned that this year's theme for Seattle Pride is LOUDER! How cosmically wonderful is that? Barring any shipping delays, everyone will have their pins in-hand before Pride, and these beauties will be making their debut at Seattle's Pride in the Park this June. :D
Want more pins?
My sibling's campaign has funded! So we'll be seeing Defiantly Queer pins this summer, too :D
Project Update: Production Update + New Project
Quick production update + an exclusive preview :D
Invoices were paid 3.3.25, and pins are in production. We should see some photos from the factory very soon and will have them in-hand next month :D
My sibling has a new project launching tomorrow! It'll be live for only two weeks, and the plan is to fulfill the new project alongside this one. So if you back the new project, we'll combine orders and waive shipping. <3
Project Update: Orders are locked!
Funds came through and 80% of surveys are filled out, so we're in prime position to get some pins produced! 🎉
Orders are set to lock in 48 hours, so if you want to make last minute changes to your order, now is the time. Addresses are not being locked at this time. Those will lock closer to fulfillment.
If you haven't filled out your survey yet, please do so. We can't ship your items if we don't know where to ship them to. 😅
Next update will be a production update with photos from the factory :D
This user contributed to this community!
I just got the survey (which is really, really fast? I've never seen one put out sooner than a few weeks so I was surprised lol) I wanted to ask, from the wording on the campaign page I thought the professional pins (I wanted the enby one) would be available as a choice for the main pledge and not just as an add-on. Was it supposed to be or did I just misunderstand?
Project Update: New Color Options!
As we reach the final week of Pintopia, I'm here with an exciting update.
A couple backers reached out asking if we could do Pride colorways of the mini music sets. (Which is a fabulous idea!) So I reached out to my factory rep, and she confirmed that we could split our order by metal color at no additional charge! This is huge because that means we don't need to order 100 of each color to piece together the Pride sets. This also means that we can offer these pride sets with our current funding without needing additional stretch goals!
In light of this - I've created a brand-new reward tier that will get you a boombox pin and the coordinating music minis for $30 ($35 if bought separately).
This will be the last addition to this campaign. I'm really excited to see this pin series come together the way it has!!
I've started working on the colorways, and here's some previews of how they'll look. (I've also updated the campaign page to reflect these.)