3 months ago

Project Update: The Big Post-Campaign FAQ!

Hello! The Angel Hare campaign is OVER, and we've been getting lots of questions. Please refer to the list below and scroll to whatever answers you're looking for!

FAQ Contents:
  • When will I get my items?
  • I may move before the pre-order shipping date. What can I do?
  • When is the survey coming to collect my shipping information?
  • My card declined! How do I fix it?
  • I didn't have time to get an add-on I wanted! Can I still buy it?
  • I missed the whole campaign! Can I still buy something?
  • What is this I'm hearing about a 'cool' Francis?

When Will I Get My Items?
We've had the projected schedule displayed at the bottom of the campaign page, and have copied it here for your convenience! These dates are estimates based on the Kickstarter schedule we experienced earlier this year. To help with the wait, we'll be posting regular progress updates with digital illustrations you can make personal use of!

- November: Funding ends and we collect shipping information.
- Dec - Feb: Plushie production!
- March: Quality check, and the plushies are sent to our fulfillment center! A professional team quickly sends them out to you all, and the angels fly to everyone's homes.

I may move before the pre-order shipping date. What can I do?
Worry not! Before everything is sent to our fulfilment center, you can update your address at any time. We'll send out a warning beforehand to remind you before we lock shipping information to where it will no longer be editable! Expect this around early March, but keep an eye out for emails in the spring.

Click here to see how to update your address!

When is the survey coming to collect my shipping information?
Expect the survey this week! We want to be thorough and careful to make sure everything runs smoothly, so thank you for your patience as we take the time to set it up right. It should arrive at the email associated with your BackerKit account, and should also be accessible on the BackerKit site through the project / your profile. If you're nervous you've missed it, try following the steps at this link!

My card declined! How do I fix it?
Be not afraid! There are several options for you depending on what your payment error was. There is a more elaborate breakdown and steps to fix it in THIS helpful article, but basically:
- If your card is expired or needs to be replaced, updating your payment method should automatically charge it again.
- If your card declined because of unavailable funds, for fraud alert, or for another reason, BackerKit will attempt to charge it again in 7 days. If that one fails too, it will try again in another 7 days. If that one doesn't work, it should give it a last chance when you fill out the survey.
Should you struggle with anything and can't find the answers in the linked articles, it would be best to reach out to BackerKit customer support! We do not personally handle any of the charging mechanics and if you email us for help we'll only be able to refer you to the folks who know how it works since we do not.

I didn't have time to get an add-on I wanted! Can I still buy it?
Yes! When you get your survey to enter your shipping information and complete your pledge, you will be offered the chance to buy ANY of the add-ons from the campaign again. So if you were feeling a little remorse for missing out on something or missed the ridiculously narrow window where we unlocked the lunchbox, you'll still be able to get it when completing that survey! 

I missed the whole campaign! Can I still buy something?
Yes, actually! Once the surveys go out, folks will be given two weeks to complete them and lock in their information. During those two weeks, we're going to use a feature BackerKit offers where we can set up a pre-order store for late comers! You'll get to order anything the campaign had aside from the voice lines, and will be fed into the same production pipeline as the campaign folks. We'll announce it everywhere once it's up, so just keep an eye out on our socials or in our discord server!

What is this I'm hearing about a 'cool' Francis?
For those who didn't know, we had a Twitch stream during the last hours of the campaign to count down the end and show off the plushies. When the 150k stretch goal was shockingly met, Rachel (one of the two Mangan Sisters who makes the show) said that if we somehow got to 160k she would print and sign pictures of Cool Francis - a doodle Hannah made in about a minute using a mouse in photoshop of Francis wearing sunglasses - and give one to every single backer. This one of a kind relic of a gag during a moment of poor judgement was nonetheless a promise, so Rachel plans to follow through. This will be on a piece of printer paper included in every package, possibly modified to include a letter of thanks! The jankiness is part of its charm!

We truly have been blown away by everyone's support, and had no earthly idea how much love y'all would pour out for this! The plans to pay that forward are well underway. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! We'll keep you updated as things progress!

Until next time,
- The East Patch Team
Hannah & Rachel Mangan




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