Ronni Brown
6 months ago

Project Update: We Roll for Perception...

...and the dice falls off the table and rolls under the couch??!!?? How will we know what we rolled?! 

 We just wanted to check in with everyone. With Cottage Core wrapping up and Meowlloween about to start, we have seen the comments on social media and other projects asking for an update on your treasures from Campaign Critters. In this case, no new update was because we are still in the "long wait" period between pressing start and completion. These are still wrapping up final production and so we don't have a specific new update, but we are anticipating they will finish production during the time we are running Meowlloween. Talk about an exciting month ahead! In the meantime, we are rearranging the warehouse to make room so that as soon as these are ready to ship here, and arrive, we can turn them loose on your game nights and cuddles as quick as possible! Ultimately, we would rather our manufacturers make them right, and we know that good things take time. We thank you all for your patience and will update you soon to let you know they're inbound. 






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